In the Apocalypse of Moses, Adam, on his deathbed, sent Seth
into Paradise to get oil from the Tree of eternal Life, which the Angel
refuses him, but instead gives Seth 3 seeds (in some versions branches
or herbs) which he put in his father's mouth. A tree grew from Adam's
grave and its wood was used for the Cross of Christ.
into Paradise to get oil from the Tree of eternal Life, which the Angel
refuses him, but instead gives Seth 3 seeds (in some versions branches
or herbs) which he put in his father's mouth. A tree grew from Adam's
grave and its wood was used for the Cross of Christ.

Excalibur, the spirit is stuck in matter.

Excalibur, the spirit is stuck in matter.
ConSolidating an Eternal Identity.
The id of Adam's desire begins,
life's journey from primordial Eden;
horny Pan, innocent in Arcadia,
Green Man of the instinct reservoir.
The coiled energy "seed of Word,"
is planted in unconscious ground;
Adam dies, but from his mouth,
grew the Tree of Christ's sacrifice.
"I am the true vine," Jesus said,
"go and bear fruit that will last;"
golden Apple of the Hesperides,
seed to flower, green to gold.
Spirit mercury of inSpiration flows,
into a Sol-like Soul slowly grows;
solidifying the id into a Stone,
the quantum Solid of energy honed.
Ego awakes from subconsciousness,
like the Sun from watery depths;
energy Orb of our Star so plain,
for billions of years forever beams.
And even when it seems to die,
into a Black Hole it still survives;
lasting as long as the Universe,
spiral centre of a galactic nurse.
Space coalesces its power just so,
and "as above, so below" it goes;
energy of the id conSolidates,
from volatile into a fixed state.
"Lapis elevatus cum vento," formed,
the Stone uplifted by the storm;
fiery intuition of pneuma soars,
Wind into a sulphurous Lion roars.
Id into ego, swamp into clear pool,
inSpiration dawns a Self to behold;
portrait of a sunflowering mind,
Van Gogh, into eternity ever shines.
God said to Moses, I Am Who I Am,
and this will be "my forever name;"
forged in Burning Bush alchemy,
consciousness born from parted Sea.
But the proof is in the outcome;
can this new "I" resist temptation?
Life, as always will put to test,
the conSolidation of the instincts.
Will It revert to "acting out" again,
if issues arise to surface tension;
or will the conscious boundary hold,
secure in fixed sulphur of the Soul.
The rider of the dragon tamed,
flies above emotional ideas aflame;
Pearl of transcendence to the fore,
fire-forged and strong for evermore.
Id is a quantum-field battery,
the supply of all life's energy;
it energizes animals and humans,
even our beliefs and opinions.
Ego thinks by drawing-up libido,
the energy-source forever at flow;
molds it into a self-defining idea,
magically an individual appears.
We conjure-up thoughts so powerful,
memories can last until we're old;
why not conSolidate a Soul-Form,
from id into an Identity ever born.
Id is a quantum-field battery,
the supply of all life's energy;
it energizes animals and humans,
even our beliefs and opinions.
Ego thinks by drawing-up libido,
the energy-source forever at flow;
molds it into a self-defining idea,
magically an individual appears.
We conjure-up thoughts so powerful,
memories can last until we're old;
why not conSolidate a Soul-Form,
from id into an Identity ever born.
The id's "old wine skin" will be shed,
replaced by a golden fleece instead;
how to cut the umbilical connection?
A Spirit-Sword, the Word of Heaven.
And so the mortal coil is sprung,
nature's energy-potential grown;
into Christ, Rock of Ages eternal,
diamond Mind of adamas steeled.
Energy of Nothingness refined,
crystallized into a Soul divine;
from Salt to Sol by way of Lunar,
the invincible weapon, Excalibur.
The ineffable Word of who I am,
fingerprint of God passed to Adam;
etched into nature to be decoded,
spiral, wave, and particle gilded.
And so the mortal coil is sprung,
nature's energy-potential grown;
into Christ, Rock of Ages eternal,
diamond Mind of adamas steeled.
Energy of Nothingness refined,
crystallized into a Soul divine;
from Salt to Sol by way of Lunar,
the invincible weapon, Excalibur.
The ineffable Word of who I am,
fingerprint of God passed to Adam;
etched into nature to be decoded,
spiral, wave, and particle gilded.

"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the
Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:17).
The sword of the Spirit which came out of the mouth of Christ (Rev 1:16)
i.e. the "Word" made conscious, is now a weapon that replaces human words
(beliefs, dogma, ideas, judgement, discursive thinking, etc) and can be wielded
as the central point or focusing power of consciousness. The Halo (helmet) is
the Soul-Boundary, mentally molded from Jesus' "seed of the Word", i.e. the
magic energy of the id, into ideas that define the ego identity, which are then
denuded to create the Halo of individuality, the new Boundary of the Self.
The sword of the Spirit which came out of the mouth of Christ (Rev 1:16)
i.e. the "Word" made conscious, is now a weapon that replaces human words
(beliefs, dogma, ideas, judgement, discursive thinking, etc) and can be wielded
as the central point or focusing power of consciousness. The Halo (helmet) is
the Soul-Boundary, mentally molded from Jesus' "seed of the Word", i.e. the
magic energy of the id, into ideas that define the ego identity, which are then
denuded to create the Halo of individuality, the new Boundary of the Self.
"I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." Jesus.

The Kris sword from matter drawn, a suitable symbol for life eternal; the
Word pointing and waving as a quantum and invincible weapon; stabbing
darkness with light, dismembering the limbs of the manifold monster,
destroying death, and re-establishing the peace and meaning of the
ineffable Word extracted from the world.

The Kris sword from matter drawn, a suitable symbol for life eternal; the
Word pointing and waving as a quantum and invincible weapon; stabbing
darkness with light, dismembering the limbs of the manifold monster,
destroying death, and re-establishing the peace and meaning of the
ineffable Word extracted from the world.

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