The Orphic Egg or "Seed of the Word."
"The sun became black as sackcloth of hair,
and the moon became as blood." (Rev 6:11-13)
Shedding the Old Skin
for the Spirit of New Wine.
The old wine or spirit of libido,
in the earthen skin of the inflated ego,
is the animal spirit of biological drives:
hunger, sex, and the will to survive.
Egocide is a death meditation, immolation,
Serpent ablaze with airy pressurization;
Kundalini blackens, the old skin deflates,
a wave of de-pression ebbs into Hades.
Shaman is devoured by Spirit's process,
his old thought-wave function collapses;
the Observer observes but does not react,
allows the Dragon to perform ancient magic.
He rides the wave of death and rebirth,
the old skin sheds as the New emerges;
baptized by fire, water changes into Wine,
a New Skin inflates, reborn of the Ocean.
Water element into Wine must be turned,
Spirit of Blood-Moon sublimated sublime;
earthen element of id metamorphosed,
into Mercury, Spirit of Luna distilled.
Libidinal energy is allowed to rise,
"seed of the Word" begins to pressurize;
the Serpent, Kundalini, expands with Wind,
fiery Pneuma that enLightens the mind.
The old skin darkens, feels like death,
deflation and depression as the ego is shed;
a shining memBrane awakens to Light,
from metamorphosis in the long, dark night.
Fiery Pneuma of the libido sublimated,
becomes the New Wine of Mercury red;
the Blood-Moon replaces the old Earth,
death is the prelude to Heaven's rebirth.
The Chariot of Luna flies to the Sun,
the Heavenly Marriage of Sol and Moon;
pours her Spirit into the golden Stone,
the Soul of Sulfur and New Skin divine.
The Solarization of consciousness dawns,
an eternal "Helmet of Salvation" reborn;
the Ouroboros is crowned, sealing the Wine,
Uraeus and Ra, Serpent-Sun All ashine.

Crowned Ouroboros.
The lower earth spirit (libido) becomes the winged
and crowned Spirit of Heaven, Mercury.
and the moon became as blood." (Rev 6:11-13)
Shedding the Old Skin
for the Spirit of New Wine.
The old wine or spirit of libido,
in the earthen skin of the inflated ego,
is the animal spirit of biological drives:
hunger, sex, and the will to survive.
Egocide is a death meditation, immolation,
Serpent ablaze with airy pressurization;
Kundalini blackens, the old skin deflates,
a wave of de-pression ebbs into Hades.
Shaman is devoured by Spirit's process,
his old thought-wave function collapses;
the Observer observes but does not react,
allows the Dragon to perform ancient magic.
He rides the wave of death and rebirth,
the old skin sheds as the New emerges;
baptized by fire, water changes into Wine,
a New Skin inflates, reborn of the Ocean.
Water element into Wine must be turned,
Spirit of Blood-Moon sublimated sublime;
earthen element of id metamorphosed,
into Mercury, Spirit of Luna distilled.
Libidinal energy is allowed to rise,
"seed of the Word" begins to pressurize;
the Serpent, Kundalini, expands with Wind,
fiery Pneuma that enLightens the mind.
The old skin darkens, feels like death,
deflation and depression as the ego is shed;
a shining memBrane awakens to Light,
from metamorphosis in the long, dark night.
Fiery Pneuma of the libido sublimated,
becomes the New Wine of Mercury red;
the Blood-Moon replaces the old Earth,
death is the prelude to Heaven's rebirth.
The Chariot of Luna flies to the Sun,
the Heavenly Marriage of Sol and Moon;
pours her Spirit into the golden Stone,
the Soul of Sulfur and New Skin divine.
The Solarization of consciousness dawns,
an eternal "Helmet of Salvation" reborn;
the Ouroboros is crowned, sealing the Wine,
Uraeus and Ra, Serpent-Sun All ashine.
Crowned Ouroboros.
The lower earth spirit (libido) becomes the winged
and crowned Spirit of Heaven, Mercury.
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