Prologue; defining the quantum Sol-id: The Stone that has
been lifted on high by sublimating and refining the fixed and
instinctual animal-spirit (id), through the active and volatile
Spirit of mercury, into the fixed and eternal Soul (Sol).
About 100 years ago scientists encountered quantum space;
then in the 1990's they distilled a quantum liquid in a vacuum
at absolute zero, called the Bose-Einstein condensate, the
quintessence of science. The next logical step is a quantum
Solid, which the alchemists called the Lapis Philosophorum,
the Philosopher's Stone. This Sol-id is the solidified instinctual
spirit of Pan (the id), transmuted, horns into Crown, green into
Gold (Sol), the Solarization of consciousness; the
All into the singularity of the One.

Pan, Mercury, and Sol;
creating the Quantum Solid.
My rendition of the wild Pan (the All), panning for alchemical gold with
the moon-dish (Mercury), in the wellspring of life's unconscious waters.
"Luna is really the mother of the Sun, which means, psychologically,
that the unconscious is pregnant with consciousness and gives birth to it."
Carl Jung (Mysterium Coniunctionis).
been lifted on high by sublimating and refining the fixed and
instinctual animal-spirit (id), through the active and volatile
Spirit of mercury, into the fixed and eternal Soul (Sol).
About 100 years ago scientists encountered quantum space;
then in the 1990's they distilled a quantum liquid in a vacuum
at absolute zero, called the Bose-Einstein condensate, the
quintessence of science. The next logical step is a quantum
Solid, which the alchemists called the Lapis Philosophorum,
the Philosopher's Stone. This Sol-id is the solidified instinctual
spirit of Pan (the id), transmuted, horns into Crown, green into
Gold (Sol), the Solarization of consciousness; the
All into the singularity of the One.

Pan, Mercury, and Sol;
creating the Quantum Solid.
My rendition of the wild Pan (the All), panning for alchemical gold with
the moon-dish (Mercury), in the wellspring of life's unconscious waters.
"Luna is really the mother of the Sun, which means, psychologically,
that the unconscious is pregnant with consciousness and gives birth to it."
Carl Jung (Mysterium Coniunctionis).

A quantum solid or wavicle, pointing and
waving in eternal space, according to the
law of "conservation of energy."
A quantum solid or wavicle, pointing and
waving in eternal space, according to the
law of "conservation of energy."
The Quantum Solid.
Prima Mater, Mother of all wombs,
the Void, from birth to the tomb;
death itself is her sweet demise,
the release from this world of lies.
From her the prima materia arises,
Salt of the earth in all its guises;
the life-force that animates all things;
libidinal desire that lifts our wings.
It is therefore the instinctual id,
the fallen spirit in matter fixed;
the fallen spirit in matter fixed;
basic seed-ingredient of alchemy,
the spark behind mythological dreams.
Mercury is the alchemist's fiery Pet,
the Serpent from salt-watery depths;
the unconscious realm of this Spirit,
brought to surface in order to tame it.
Mercurial Dragon contains holy fire,
without it there is no getting higher;
it rises up the staff of the spine,
Caduceus with two Snakes entwined.
Thus to the Moon our Spirit arrives,
reflecting the Sun, lifting the tides;
joining together Earth and Heaven,
Salt to Silver becomes yellow Lion.
Luna gives birth to the golden King,
Sulphur of the Soul's light blazing;
born of the Dragon of Mercury,
the Pearl of truth that sets us free.
Salt refined into crystalline awareness,
the clarity of Solarized consciousness;
a Quantum Solid or Lapis Exillis,
the shining Stone of the philosophers.
Salt refined into crystalline awareness,
the clarity of Solarized consciousness;
a Quantum Solid or Lapis Exillis,
the shining Stone of the philosophers.
From the Ripley Scroll.
"The Red Sea. The Red Sol. The Red Elixir Vitae.
Red Stone. White Stone. Elixir Vitae. Luna in Crescent."
Red Stone. White Stone. Elixir Vitae. Luna in Crescent."
The mercurial dragon from the salty sea of prima materia,
sublimates into Luna, who births forth the sulphurous Sun.
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