Orphic Egg, the spiral Seed of inSpiration.
Kundalini Burning:
Setting the Spirit On-Fire!
Raise the Serpent on the staff of spine,
to activate the Spirit on-fire divine;
Kundalini burning in my mind inSpired,
alchemical Dragon tamed from the wild.
InSpiration has always been a mystery,
assigned to madmen, artists, the holy;
it uncoils from the spiral Seed of Word,
planted in unconsciousness to be heard.
And so it lies dormant until activated,
the Gnostic scintilla or spark creative;
but who is happy to burn with this flame,
from the "Burning Bush" of God's "I Am"?
Holy Spirit speaks in "tongues of fire",
endarkens the Soul to lift it higher;
the Black Sun rises from my ego ill,
ebony Pearl from the Dragon revealed.
Nigredo is the wormhole to Space,
if only I can bear death's embrace;
mortido is the reversal of libido,
the life-force set on-fire, all aglow.
Salamander-Spirit frolics, Shiva dances,
to the invocation of the Holy Ghost;
make sure all archetypes are integrated
before your house is incinerated!
The holy smoke will rise to Heaven,
Spirit freed from human situations;
"true vine" of inSpiration from the Seed
fire-forges the Light of solar alchemy.
Symbolic Tree of the climbing process,
by Serpent-fire is burnt unto ashes;
shedding the "old skin" by immolation;
final breath of alchemical sublimation.
The Tree-stump of good and evil dying,
left behind by the winged Orb flying,
symbolizes the end of green immanence,
turned into Gold, our Stone transcendent.

"The Splendour of the Sun" 1532,
from the British museum, alchemical
Solification, the Solarization of consciousness.
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