whose archetypal and quantum function is to reconcile
the play of opposites into singularity. The tail of the id rises
up, uniting the Moon and Sun, into the head of Sol.
"Mercury is the spirit, sulphur is the soul, salt the body." Paracelsus.
Creating a Quantum Solid
The quantum Sol-id of the shining Lapis,
created from the mind-stuff of philosophers,
is the eternal Soul of the individual,
formed from the spirit, our mortal coil.
The purpose of life stuck on this Earth,
is to free the id-spirit fixed in dirt;
the hu-man, "of the soil", salt of humus,
is the "seed of the Word" so said Jesus.
And so this spark must be activated,
to release its potential long awaited;
it is the magic bean of the "true vine"
that grows our life unto clouds divine.
The fixed salt-of-the-earth, passive,
is stuck in habits long repressive;
Spirit of mercury, volatile with action,
burns with excitation and passion.
It is the inSpiration from the seed,
inSpires artistic expression of our needs;
all of us feel it as libidinal arousal;
the beginnings of our creative espousal.
Mercury is the dragon awake, on fire,
animal-Spirit containing all our desires;
and also the crescent Moon, mixing bowl,
alchemical vessel for the work to behold.
It brings together opposites in the mind,
combines the 4 elements into one sublime;
this fiery Spirit boils up to the surface,
the waters of the repressed subconscious.
It thus forges in its silvery Chalice,
lead of the id into gold of the Lapis;
the colour-changing dragon fuses, unites,
green to black, then reddens from white.
Red elixir vitae of our mercurial Water,
nectar of the gods in Heaven immortal;
Wine for the holy marriage celebration,
of our Luna to Sol in reconciliation.
And so the quantum Solid is created,
from instinctual desire on wings elevated;
into the fixed Soul ankhored in the Sky,
the serpentine Spirit and sulphurous Lion.

An old alchemical picture showing the wedding of
Sol and Luna, joined by the Spirit (Dove).
“We are unraveling our navels so that we may ingest the sun.
We are not afraid of the darkness.
We trust that the moon shall guide us.
We are determining the future at this very moment.
We know that the heart is the philosopher’s stone.
Our music is our alchemy.” ~ Saul Williams
An old alchemical picture showing the wedding of
Sol and Luna, joined by the Spirit (Dove).
“We are unraveling our navels so that we may ingest the sun.
We are not afraid of the darkness.
We trust that the moon shall guide us.
We are determining the future at this very moment.
We know that the heart is the philosopher’s stone.
Our music is our alchemy.” ~ Saul Williams
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