Sublimatio (from The Crowning of Nature, 1718):
the Sun of Light emerges from the fire
of Ouroboric transformation.
The Baptism of Light
and the Homunculus.
and the Homunculus.
(three baptisms: water, fire, light).
God's breath of airy pneuma, the creative Word,
condenses down into immanence in the world;
becomes elemental water, the wellspring of All life,
the first baptism in which everyone abides.
In the waters of unconsciousness all are washed,
the "seed of the Word" or divine spark is planted;
Gnostic scintilla, magic bean, Spirit seed, unwind;
and so begins the journey of the flowering Mind.
In this Sea of mythology sprouts the "true Vine",
the wavy Serpent from the Orphic Egg does climb;
to develop airy wings, horns and fiery breath,
from the spark into the flame of consciousness.
This second baptism of fire is for the few,
who have struggled to the surface for the view;
and learned the skill of "walking on the waters",
rising above this unconscious world of darkness.
Holy fire, stoked in the belly of the furnace,
sublimates sublime into the corona of awareness;
the crown emerges from horns transmogrified,
the Dragon's Pearl from the "seed" forge-fired.
Serpent fire blackens and disintegrates
all mental matter back into its original state;
Spirit cleansed of earthly dross in this enfirement,
is readied for the final rite or Solar sacrament.
The third baptism of Gnosis is for the "chosen",
who free themselves to choose the Light of heaven;
the Vine of Spirit flowers in remembrance,
the "Word" or golden Fruit of Soul transcendence.
Spirit is the fiery passion which when raised,
the eternal Soul-Bread can be co-created baked;
its head of golden wheat grown from "seed of Word",
forms the conscious substance for my Self to knead.
Thus the Loaf of Light from hands compounded,
with four elements mixed becomes expanded;
soaked in the Holy Blood of rubedo's Wine,
in Alchemy's kitchen born, the Homunculus divine.
"I am the bread of life that came down from heaven,
if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever." Christ
Spirit is the fiery passion which when raised,
the eternal Soul-Bread can be co-created baked;
its head of golden wheat grown from "seed of Word",
forms the conscious substance for my Self to knead.
Thus the Loaf of Light from hands compounded,
with four elements mixed becomes expanded;
soaked in the Holy Blood of rubedo's Wine,
in Alchemy's kitchen born, the Homunculus divine.
"I am the bread of life that came down from heaven,
if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever." Christ
The Homunculus created in an alchemical flask.
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