"The old legend is that when an Alchemist discovered the true nature of the Universe/Cosmos [usually trying to transform leaden thoughts into a golden new mind], he would achieve a certain flash/explosion of understanding and go screaming into the wilderness only to disappear from this plane of existence."
The Accident of EnLightenment
(waiting to happen, just so!)
The mercurial Dragon of my Spirit,
fire-forges the Soul-Pearl it gestates;
but who can tame their volatile emotions,
heating-up in alchemical Solification.
Fiery Spirit baptizes itself into Soul,
cleansed of matter into shining Gold;
burning away all earthly identification,
if only I can bear this disintegration.
Into the vacuum chamber of the flask,
the meditational mind in emptiness basks;
nature's abhorrence for a void is used,
to draw up immanent Spirit into view.
The volatility of consciousness ignites,
blows my mind with a deep insight;
Light rapidly expands everywhere at once,
Spirit explodes in a puff of holy smoke.
Begin with the Seed-Word of prima materia,
concentrate the fiery potency of this Scintilla;
until the detonation of a quantum Accident:
the ignition point~wave of enLightenment!
Bliss~wavicles of efflorescence in the mind,
the reUnion of two kingdoms finally collide;
the reconciliation of Earth and Heaven,
green-Dragon sheds into a Soul resplendent.

(from Splendor Solis, 16th century.)
The mercurial Dragon-Spirit undergoes nigredo,
albedo, and rubedo, in the sealed mind, as it fire-forges
and crowns forth itself into the Light of the Soul.
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