"The psychological danger that arises here is the disintegration of personality into its components, a real schizophrenia. Disintegration is the fate that overtakes Gabricus: he is dissolved into atoms in the body of Beya, this being equivalent to a form of mortificatio. In the hero myth this state is known as being swallowed up in the belly of the whale or dragon." Jung.
I, Gabricus.
Light and Love; Many Suns, One Ocean.
One quantum Point of Light,
with many atoms shining inside;
One quantum Wave, the Ocean,
Loving all the points in union.
God has only One living Son,
Light of the universal Stone;
many gods are stars in Heaven,
no longer asleep in human form.
God has only One Daughter,
her Ocean reaching every quarter;
gods subsumed in enLovenment,
heavenly marriage of contentment.
I, Gabricus, atomized unto death,
dissolved in my Sister's embrace,
am resurrected as a god on high,
golden Apple of the opened Eye.
The One Stone of the Observer
shines through his loving Sister;
energizing all the stars abright,
Identifying each by Name of Christ.
As humans we long for a Name,
identify ourselves by job or fame;
but in the darkness we must stand,
alone, without the names of man.
How then does each god know
the unique pattern of his glow?
The golden Light of the Stone
vivifies my spirit from earth atoned.
Thus the essence of four elements,
languages, each one uniquely learnt,
compounded as three eternal Metals,
shine each hologram of an Individual.

"A similar idea is to be found in Michael Maier:61 The sun, by its many millions of revolutions, spins the gold into the earth. Little by little the sun has imprinted its image on the earth, and that image is the gold. The sun is the image of God, the heart62 is the sun’s image in man, just as gold is the sun’s image in the earth (also called Deus terrenus), and God is known in the gold. This golden image of God is the anima aurea, which, when breathed into common quicksilver, changes it into gold." Jung, Psychology and alchemy.
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