The Orphic Egg.
"The ancient symbol of the Orphic Mysteries was the serpent-entwined egg, which signified Cosmos as encircled
by the fiery Creative Spirit. The egg also represents the soul of the philosopher; the serpent, the Mysteries. At the
time of initiation the shell is broke. and man emerges from the embryonic state of physical existence wherein he
had remained through the fetal period of philosophic regeneration." From M.P. Hall's, The Secret Teachings of All Ages.
How to Hatch a Dragon's Egg?
Divine spark of the Gnostic scintilla,
hatches into the Serpent, God-zilla;
God sent his Pet to save our Souls,
the Leviathan who rescued Jonah of old.
Thus the fiery Dragon's flaming breath,
is the Spirit of pneumatic consciousness;
the instinctual force of the libido,
and the wrath of the fierce mortido.
Christ said, "Be ye as wise as serpents",
the animal Spirit from the Orphic Egg;
God placed it in the Garden of Eden,
to free us from our blind ignorance.
And so we digest "green" knowledge,
good and evil; separation of the sexes;
all the dualities of life and death,
the churning Ocean of unconsciousness.
This spell of twoness in the mind,
the tick-tock of the illusion of time,
must be deleted from our conditioning,
so we can get back to timeless being.
Time can go too slow or too quick,
which shows it's just a mental trick;
the Serpent fire stoked in the psyche,
transforms darkness by birthing Light.
God's Beast must be tamed by humans,
bonded with and fed on inSpiration;
for in its fiery belly there gestates,
the Pearl it forges and keeps safe.
"Seed of the Word" and Serpent Vine,
reach for the Heavens beyond all time;
Magic Bean grows to the land of Giants,
for we are godlings born of Dragons.
Phanes, God of Light, entwined with
the cosmic serpent, stands on the
the cosmic serpent, stands on the
fiery Egg from which he was born.
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