The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,3oo ft long
prehistoric effigy mound in Ohio.
Alien Psychology
At first there is only quantum SpAce,
spiraling, waving, pointing, all over the place;
the infant mind floats in Oceanic consciousness,
a potential Star, asleep in a Sea of bliss.
Mind is spacious and undifferentiated,
no boundaries have yet been human created;
only airy waves of pneumatic spirations,
fiery particles of scintillae germinating.
But then we learn that sounds form ideas,
the airy waves vibrate noise in our ears;
we learn to fix boundaries in the psyche,
establish the meaning that this name means I.
So Mind-SpAce is slowly filled with content,
thoughts, beliefs, fixations, firm-held concepts;
thinking then conjures-up an egoic thinker,
who we believe we are, doctor or cleaner.
Conditioning thus influences who we think we are,
mental matter shaped into a persona or mask;
but who are we really behind the play of words;
is there a true Self in spaciousness unheard?
To find out I must suffer disintegration,
as if by an "Alien from SpAce" invasion;
abducted on high by way of transcendence,
I receive a vision from a higher intelligence.
My real Self exists in airy formlessness,
a sol-like Soul born of the watery abyss;
the earthling, once a spark, is fire forged,
a quantum being from a Saurian disgorged.
The Dragon-Spirit constellates the Pearl divine,
establishes the Soul-boundary in the Sky of Mind;
an archetypal Filius conceives itSelf reborn,
for only a Child enters back into Heaven.
The unconscious act of conjuring-up a thought,
is the same formulation for creating the Orb;
the Magic-Wand of Hermes the Magician,
reappears the true Self, no-longer forgotten.
The Caduceus or Magic-Wand of Hermes,
the winged Orb of enLightenment forged
by two reconciling Serpents.
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