"No one can think of God.
Therefore it is my wish to leave
Therefore it is my wish to leave
everything that I can think of
and choose for my love
the thing that I cannot think."
(from, The Cloud of Unknowing,
14th century)
The Quantum Cloud-Chamber
of Unknowing.
Within the Cloud-Chamber of God's Mind,
my Soul-Star climbs and flies sublime;
crown of the Word remembered shines,
dissolving all the thoughts that blind.
Egoic make-believing is suspended,
in the truth that now is never-ending;
the self-defining trick of ideation
is no-longer needed for my salvation.
A new Point-of-reference everywhere found,
the wavicle Orb of my Soul abounds.
Inside God's billowing Cloud of Spirit,
the paradox of "all into One" now fits.
A scientific trinity, "Big-Bang" dispersed,
in the quantum fabric of the Uni-Verse;
Spiral, Wave, and Particle behaving,
the Cosmic Serpent co-creating.
Fiery Dragon of my intuition,
devours me into its holographic vision;
burning up into the Cloud it flies:
the Unified Field of Light divine.
Waving/Pointing from quantum SpAce,
the sound of the Word reSonates;
primordial Om, born of great Silence,
Spirals forth its pearly Quintessence.
Waving/Pointing from quantum SpAce,
the sound of the Word reSonates;
primordial Om, born of great Silence,
Spirals forth its pearly Quintessence.

"The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot-long, three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. The serpent head has an open mouth extending around the east end of a 120-foot-long hollow oval feature. Scholars posit that the oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun." (Wikipedia).
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