Picture source: Adam Mclean's Alchemy website.
"The eucharist is Jesus.
In Syriac it is called pharisatha,
which is 'one who is spread out,'
since Jesus came to crucify the world."
(The Gospel of Philip)
The End-Time NOW!
Cracking the Symbolic Code to the Pearly Gates.
Nothing to do or look forward to,
"Now" is the portal to the Moon;
my past is dead, I must resurrect,
rise from earth to the red Crescent.
"Now" is where I must start from,
collapse my ego from four to One;
elements into three Metals ashine,
the trinitarian Wavicle of the Mind.
My ego bridge is old and burnt,
the four language modes or elements;
"Now" is the One-Word I must Know,
the Logos of consciousness all aglow.
"Now" is the End-Time I must face,
the "Gap" betwixt ideas is the Entrance;
entrancing me into a higher SpAce,
a timeless Point and Flow embrace.
How to commit psychological egocide,
focus time's point into the Centre?
Collapse the wave of yesterday,
and the projection of tomorrow.
"Now" tests the eternal Metals three:
metallic Pearl from my Spirit freed;
silver Mercury changed to Luna's Blood;
volatile Sulfur into Gold refined above.
"Now" is the FireWall protecting Heaven,
from "hackers" stuck in lower elements,
who think they can crack the symbols,
break the pass-Word of the Logos.
God's secret "Word" is plain to see,
the "Zero" in Now is the key;
the "via negativa" or negative way,
Knowing by unknowing opens the Door.
The Pearly Gates are quantum wrought,
my Observer must collapse thought;
then turn water into Quintessence,
and earthen lead into golden Presence.
Death is the vortex of "Nowness,"
with anti-gravitation pulling on us;
if only I can relax and let go,
ebb away with instinctual mortido.
The reverse-flowing Jordan baptizes,
I enter into the River of Fire;
holy, holy, holy, my mind is unwound,
the Point and Wave are freed from time.
Collapsing time's lower wave function,
opens the metallic Gates to Heaven:
Moon's universal Wave of Love Flows,
and the golden Point of Light Knows.
The End-Time NOW!
Cracking the Symbolic Code to the Pearly Gates.
Nothing to do or look forward to,
"Now" is the portal to the Moon;
my past is dead, I must resurrect,
rise from earth to the red Crescent.
"Now" is where I must start from,
collapse my ego from four to One;
elements into three Metals ashine,
the trinitarian Wavicle of the Mind.
My ego bridge is old and burnt,
the four language modes or elements;
"Now" is the One-Word I must Know,
the Logos of consciousness all aglow.
"Now" is the End-Time I must face,
the "Gap" betwixt ideas is the Entrance;
entrancing me into a higher SpAce,
a timeless Point and Flow embrace.
How to commit psychological egocide,
focus time's point into the Centre?
Collapse the wave of yesterday,
and the projection of tomorrow.
"Now" tests the eternal Metals three:
metallic Pearl from my Spirit freed;
silver Mercury changed to Luna's Blood;
volatile Sulfur into Gold refined above.
"Now" is the FireWall protecting Heaven,
from "hackers" stuck in lower elements,
who think they can crack the symbols,
break the pass-Word of the Logos.
God's secret "Word" is plain to see,
the "Zero" in Now is the key;
the "via negativa" or negative way,
Knowing by unknowing opens the Door.
The Pearly Gates are quantum wrought,
my Observer must collapse thought;
then turn water into Quintessence,
and earthen lead into golden Presence.
Death is the vortex of "Nowness,"
with anti-gravitation pulling on us;
if only I can relax and let go,
ebb away with instinctual mortido.
The reverse-flowing Jordan baptizes,
I enter into the River of Fire;
holy, holy, holy, my mind is unwound,
the Point and Wave are freed from time.
Collapsing time's lower wave function,
opens the metallic Gates to Heaven:
Moon's universal Wave of Love Flows,
and the golden Point of Light Knows.
The End Time, Now!
(an apocalyptic revelation)
(an apocalyptic revelation)
Now the quantum Self is born,
devoid of past and future norms;
death-like in his eternal Being,
the Black Sun of alchemy rising.
Now the quantum Self is born,
devoid of past and future norms;
death-like in his eternal Being,
the Black Sun of alchemy rising.
The End of time is not to come,
for it has passed and been undone.
There is no future or memory past,
the world has ended!... already, at last.
Now time's march has come to rest,
inside the Sun no rise nor set.
The tick-tock of twoness and its spell
is silenced by a timeless swell.
Heaven's heave does "violent" blow
a hush of death upon my brow,
extinguishing the thoughts that blind,
and keep me in this trap of time.
A long, long time ago at some Point,
in the far, far future distant,
the universe ended, as we know it,
sending back a quantum Moment.
Down the corridor of time it flowed,
creating the present-tense of Now;
this Wave of End Time annihilation
is detectable by way of meditation.
For eons of years we hardly changed,
then 10,000 years ago it came,
the Wave from the future apocalypse,
with Point of Nowness eternal fixed.
The end of thought is in the mind,
this fear of Death so long declined;
in chaos our quantum Self is heir,
if only we can face it square.
Only the past and future existed,
until The End of time was Observed;
now the Now is here to stay,
a testament to the End of Days.
in the far, far future distant,
the universe ended, as we know it,
sending back a quantum Moment.
Down the corridor of time it flowed,
creating the present-tense of Now;
this Wave of End Time annihilation
is detectable by way of meditation.
For eons of years we hardly changed,
then 10,000 years ago it came,
the Wave from the future apocalypse,
with Point of Nowness eternal fixed.
The end of thought is in the mind,
this fear of Death so long declined;
in chaos our quantum Self is heir,
if only we can face it square.
Only the past and future existed,
until The End of time was Observed;
now the Now is here to stay,
a testament to the End of Days.

The alchemical Black Sun.
The alchemical Black Sun.
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