The Ripley Scroll (15th century)
The Blood Moon, Black Sun, and refined Earth (Salt or Pearl
of the Dragon), combine to allow the One to see itself as One,
the Trinitarian Stone.
Three in One
allows reflectivity;
One can see itSelf
in Totality.
Trinitarian Wavicle
of the Soul;
the Tria Prima
of Metals alchemical.
Silver Mercury
sweated from Earth;
the Spirit freed,
water plus air.
Golden Sulfur
erupts from Mind;
air and secret fire
together compound.
Metallic Salt
turns Luna red;
earth and water
refined and distilled.
Instincts, emotions,
thoughts and intuition;
four become Three,
a Trinitarian Stone.
Three Wavy Points,
peak experiences:
Logos and Eros
birth lord Christos.
Splendour Solis (16th century).
"A man emerges from a swamp. One arm is white, the other red,
and his body black, thus incorporating the main colour changes
in the alchemical process. His head is metamorphosed into a
glassy sphere." (Adam McLean, the alchemy website.)
My interpretation: a man emerges into Heaven after undergoing nigredo,
albedo, and rubedo. His head has become a thoughtless Bubble of Pneuma,
the Globus Cruciger of the crucified Earth, crystallized as metallic Salt of the
higher Mind, born of the Moon and Sun.
The Trinitarian Wavicle.
The Conjuction of Particle and Wave.
Cracking the Quantum Code of Three in One.
I must collapse the wave of time
for the divine Particle to arise;
then the watery wave can be changed,
into a higher Wave of Holy Wine.
Lady Alchemia distils out Love,
water into Wine in Heaven above;
where the true Wave of Connectivity
harmonizes with a Point of Singularity.
Lower points in mind we do make,
thought bubbles of energy raised.
Excalibur can be freed, Pointed on high,
from our Lady of the Lake calmed.
The Point of this poem is not an idea,
but a quantum Wave flowing everywhere;
a paradoxical Rhyme hard to grasp;
conjuction causes an egoic collapse.
The Ideal Self is non-dualistic,
an undivided Individual can exist;
a Wavicle or Wave-Particle Conception,
born of the Mind via resurrection.
The "Word" is the Point of Logos,
spread everywhere by Love's kiss;
we project these onto each other,
the man of knowledge and the lover.
Men like to get right to the point;
women use emotional waves to connect;
thus we brew-up a mercurial Potion,
alchemical Dew of the Blood Moon.
The Point of the Wave is omniscience;
the Wave of the Point is oneness;
the Child of their Union is omnipresence:
the Salt of the Moon, Eye of Horus.
How to collapse my ego undone?
I must summon up Thanatos to come!
Raise-up the fire of Agni aflame,
envoy to Surya, the quantum Sun.
InSpiration is a creative destructivity,
intuition, the secret fire sets us free;
every child is an artist at heart,
creating the Imago of a Self portrait.
The Point of who I Am everywhere,
is a holographic Image, right here;
burnt into Nowness by its Light,
spread-out by a Wave of enLovenment.
I Am on fire!.. even as I write,
my true Self explodes into Life.
The point of my pen, waving thoughts,
is to "spell" out the magic of Thoth.
Inside the quantum Field of the Lord,
I write directly from the "other side;"
an invisible Realm of Singularity,
the Uni-Verse or One-Song complete.
Rubedo is alchemically coagulated,
into the solification of the Sun;
by way of our transubstantiation,
an apocalypse of the golden Dawn.
Christ, the divine Magician archetype,
performing miracles, healing the blind,
wakes us up to a higher Reality,
dies on the cross, four into a Trinity.
"Moon turns to Blood, Sun to darkness,"
at the rebirth of metallic Salt;
the Dragon forges its Pearl reborn:
Wavicle of the trinitarian Stone.
Christ, the divine Magician archetype,
performing miracles, healing the blind,
wakes us up to a higher Reality,
dies on the cross, four into a Trinity.
"Moon turns to Blood, Sun to darkness,"
at the rebirth of metallic Salt;
the Dragon forges its Pearl reborn:
Wavicle of the trinitarian Stone.
"The eucharist is Jesus. In Syriac it is called pharisatha,
which is 'one who is spread out,' since Jesus came to
crucify the world." Gospel of Philip.

which is 'one who is spread out,' since Jesus came to
crucify the world." Gospel of Philip.
The Trinitarian Alien.
Crash landed on Earth in human form,
the Alien searches for a way back home;
he must refine the four elemental letters,
re-create the "Word" of MindSpace, Logos.
Universe is everywhere, a holographic location,
and so the Reptilian immolates in meditation;
the fiery Spirit of Kundalini sublimates,
rises-up by compounding four elements.
Four temporal elements become three divine,
by working them together into a compound;
earthen instincts energized by watery emotion,
water evaporated into airy understanding.
Air is the bellows for fiery transcendence,
the zoomorphic Reptilian glows candescent;
three quantum Metals explode into Space,
metallic Salt, Mercury and Sulfur fixed.
The Alien Observer elevates on high,
collapses the lower wave-function of time;
spreads-out into a higher Wave of communion;
focuses the Point of starry Solarization.
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