Alchemical and Rosicrucian compendium – 1760
(Psyche, Greek: breath, soul.)
"Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from
heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2
(Psyche, Greek: breath, soul.)
"Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from
heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2
The Alchemist.
(Taming the Dragon to get the Pearl)
The Alchemist invokes his magic dragon,
the animal-totem of his imagination;
all have this instinctual creature inside,
the serpent-Spirit must be sublimated sublime.
And so this Ouroboros in churning motion,
circulates libido in alchemical distillation;
unconscious waters into Wine of Quintessence,
the magical Nectar for the Soul's remembrance.
The Freudian id is the instinctive dragon,
in need of taming its thoughtless reactions;
it must come under human determination,
in order to birth its Pearl in gestation.
Heaven heaves, "blowing a violent wind",
with psychic energy inflating the mind;
id into ideas, self-defining an ego identity,
thought-bubbles molded from mental plasticity.
Heaven heaves, "blowing a violent wind",
with psychic energy inflating the mind;
id into ideas, self-defining an ego identity,
thought-bubbles molded from mental plasticity.
A temporary ego is therefore acquired,
the separated-out "thinker" we call "I";
it mediates the natural force of Spirit,
contains its fiery and electrical leakage.
Now a thoughtless Bubble is required,
filled with pneuma, the breath expired;
mortido deflates ideas, denudes content,
and energizes a Soul-Boundary instead.
Now a thoughtless Bubble is required,
filled with pneuma, the breath expired;
mortido deflates ideas, denudes content,
and energizes a Soul-Boundary instead.
Thus fire slowly transforms into Light,
serpent raised on the staff of spine;
inSpiration rouses the beast from the deep,
the Leviathan "sent by God" to incubate.
Fire electrifies up the magic Star-Wand,
the Caduceus of Hermes, Egyptian Magician;
into the winged Orb of enLightenment sealed,
the eternal Soul of the Pearl revealed.
Id: the primitive instincts and energies in the unconscious mind
that underlie all psychological impulses. Latin it. (Collins).
Instinct: inborn tendencies of a person or animal. Latin instinctus roused.
The snakes can represent the ida and pingala nadis or energy channels:
ida: female, creative energy or libido,
pingala: male, destructive energy or mortido.
The winged Orb of the Sun is the fusion of opposites: male and female,
life and death, good and evil, etc; the Solarization of consciousness.
The snakes can represent the ida and pingala nadis or energy channels:
ida: female, creative energy or libido,
pingala: male, destructive energy or mortido.
The winged Orb of the Sun is the fusion of opposites: male and female,
life and death, good and evil, etc; the Solarization of consciousness.
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