In Genesis God placed "two Trees in the middle of the Garden."
The first is the immanent or World Tree of the knowledge of
good and evil; which is obviously a symbol for duality and life on
Earth, which we must climb with the guidance of the serpent of
wisdom. The other, Cosmic Tree of eternal Life, is transcendent
and is guarded by an angel with a fiery sword. The female-male,
yin-yang, split in consciousness must be healed before access to
the second Tree is gained. "Yeshua said to them, when you make
two into one, and the upper like the lower, and male and female
into a single one, then you will enter the kingdom."
Gospel of Thomas (22).
"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul,
firm and secure, which enters the Presence behind the veil,
where Jesus has entered." Hebrews 6:19
firm and secure, which enters the Presence behind the veil,
where Jesus has entered." Hebrews 6:19
Whilst doing the alchemical work of integrating the Spirit
of immanence, I need to be grounded on earth; but once
this is completed I need to be anchored in Heaven. This
"sky hook" is a device that performs the function of
grounding consciousness in the transcendent sky, in the
Ka, Ba, and Akh of the eternal Soul. Hence the Ankh is
a symbol for eternal Life.
The Ankh started out as a cross representing the 4 elements.
In alchemy the Moon is the perfected earth, and "Luna gives
birth to the Sun". So if we replace earth with the crescent
Moon we get the anchor (ankhor).
Just as Earth grows the Tree of good and evil under-standing,
so the Moon in crescent blooms the Tree/Cross of eternal Life.
The Holy Grail has been described as either a Cup or a Stone,
but perhaps it is both, because truth is always a paradox when
combining opposites. The alchemical marriage of Sol and Moon
(Solomon) unifies the Moon (Spirit, Mercury) with the Sun
(Soul, Sulphur). Therefore the silver Dish/Cup of the Moon-
Grail, containing the head of the Baptist and the blood of Christ's
sacrifice, rebirths the golden Stone of the Sun-Grail, the Fruit
of the Moon Tree
(crescent, Latin crescere, "to grow").
"Mercury is the spirit, sulphur is the soul, salt the body." Paracelsus.
Fruit of the Moon Tree.
The silvery Dish of the Moon,
with the blood of Christ and John,
mixes the four spirits refined,
into Quintessence of holy wine.
Into the Grail's mixing Bowl,
heated by a dragon mercurial,
fusing All back into innocence,
white Salt into Luna crescent.
And so the reddening deepens,
solidified in alchemical coagulation;
set in pure gold Rubedo shines,
Spirit no-longer spills back into time.
Ankh of rebirth and sacrifice,
the Sun atop the Moon-Tree rises;
sealing Sol and Luna evermore,
Grail-Stone of philosophy reborn.
The chariot of the Moon arrives,
opens up the starry Sky of mind;
Spirit into Soul, Osiris into Ra,
in the vessel of the crescent Ark.
Golden Apple of the Hesperides,
Manna sustaining eternal Life;
Lapis Exillis of the winged Orb,
Holy Fruit of the flowered Word.

Tree of the Moon, Philosophia Reformata.
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