Time is running out above death's inevitability. "Beauty is but a flower
which wrinkles will devour." (Nashe). Eros has a vision of an ouroboros
formed into a halo? The wise Serpent becomes the divine Light born of its
fiery process through immanence: the animal Spirit, id, through human
experience as an ego, into a higher ideal; the mandorla of a "new skin."
Haloid of the Soul.
And so the Serpent Saurian is unearthed,
from subconscious depths rebirthed;
sublimated from the animal Spirit below,
through humanoid ego into an Alien Halo.
from subconscious depths rebirthed;
sublimated from the animal Spirit below,
through humanoid ego into an Alien Halo.
The Dragon-fire of my Spirit's wrath,
destroys everything or thought in its path;
determined to get to the golden Goal,
inflate the memBrane of the eternal Soul.
But I must be careful as I strive,
so as not to burn down other's lives;
because the journey of my fiery Spirit,
determines the outcome of its quest.
As my egoic thought-bubbles deflate,
my old identity must disintegrate;
holy fire of the libido now stoked,
my id-filled ideas can no longer cope.
I need a 'new skin' alchemically forged,
from id energy reshaped into a Haloid;
death's mortido deflates from my ego,
the Holy Ghost letting ideation go.
Like a vampire sucking out my life,
my id is freed back into the wild;
the Creature unleashed will be the test
of this sublimation of consciousness.
God's pet, God-zilla, now reappears,
from its sleep of a thousand years;
will my instincts rage at the humans,
or fly away free as a wise Saurian?
The ego is but a persona fabrication,
a temporary identity incarnation;
and when the id-Spirit is well tamed,
the Beast within must be reclaimed.
For it is the great Leviathan God sent,
to rescue old Jonah from discontent;
help him escape from the underworld,
the reclaimed Spirit forged into a Pearl.
This earthen Ouroboros now disinterred,
This earthen Ouroboros now disinterred,
from elemental watery depths baptized;
into airy heights spreads its new wings,
and with fiery breath inflates the Alien.
Spaceman of the Soul returns on high,
into the 'Cloud of Unknowing' in the sky;
with 'helmet of salvation,' Ephesians 6:17,
the wild id rebirths into a Haloid shining.

Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
The shed and crowned Ouroboros reveals the
The shed and crowned Ouroboros reveals the
countenance of the starry Soul in the "Cloud
of Unknowing." This skeletal Ouroboros is the
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
consciousness; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of albedo; revealing
the rubedo of holy wine, the serpent-distilled
quintessence of alchemy.
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
consciousness; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of albedo; revealing
the rubedo of holy wine, the serpent-distilled
quintessence of alchemy.
"Be seekers of death. Death will teach you about being chosen."
(Jesus, the Secret Book of James, Nag Hammadi library.)
representing the 'New Skin' of the Soul. Note the spiral pattern,
which is the swirling motion of id energy. The spiral signifies the
human coil of primal Spirit in the Orphic Egg or 'Seed of the Word.'
The old ego-skin is shed, and a quantum memBrane is forged out
of fiery light, inflated with integrated Pneuma of the 'Word.'
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