Wednesday, 13 January 2016

In Mortido

Image result for alchemical raven
Alchemy's Black Sun of Nigredo,
portal to timelessness, and wormhole
into a higher realm.

In Mortido.
In mortido I write,
as my ego dissolves
in the baptismal waters
of the reverse libido.
I feel de-mented
in this grip of death;
no inspiration, as
the Jordan's flow ebbs.
The god, Thanatos,
is a great Baptizer;
washes away everything, as 
the river of death rises.
Can I bear his wrath,
embrace disintegration;
go through the wormhole
of annihilation?
This mythology of death
is an "end time" story;
the Black Sun shines
like the Raven of alchemy.
Jesus, the anti-Christ,
brings not peace, but a sword;
turns out to be
another Reaper lord.
He comes to harvest
our heads when ripened,
"seeds of the Word"
ready for great Silence.
The flow and ebb
of life and death,
arise from the same Ocean
of One consciousness.

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