The shaman emerges from his journey into
the underworld, born of a Serpent wise.
the underworld, born of a Serpent wise.
Shamanic Dismemberment,
and Rememberment.
The spiral Beast, Quetzalcoatl,
dismembers my world undone!
Sacramental sacrifice
Sacramental sacrifice
cuts through to the bone.
Libidinal life reverses into fire;
death's mortido ignites the black desire.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
catabolic disintegration I must trust.
The winged Serpent, invoked,
devours me unto the grave;
so that She, the rebirther,
can remember me remade.
Through death to life restored,
dawns the quantum Light of Day.
The sun-like Son crowns forth,
born of a Serpent raised.
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