Thursday, 31 March 2016

The Quantum Cloud-Chamber of Unknowing

"No one can think of God. 
Therefore it is my wish to leave 
everything that I can think of  
and choose for my love 
the thing that I cannot think."
(from, The Cloud of Unknowing,
14th century)
The Quantum Cloud-Chamber
of Unknowing.
Within the Cloud-Chamber of God's Mind,
my Soul-Star climbs and flies sublime;
crown of the Word remembered shines,
dissolving all the thoughts that blind.
Egoic make-believing is suspended,
in the truth that now is never-ending;
the self-defining trick of ideation
is no-longer needed for my salvation.
A new Point-of-reference everywhere found,
the wavicle Orb of my Soul abounds.
Inside God's billowing Cloud of Spirit,
the paradox of "all into One" now fits.
A scientific trinity, "Big-Bang" dispersed,
in the quantum fabric of the Uni-Verse;
Spiral, Wave, and Particle behaving, 
the Cosmic Serpent co-creating. 
Fiery Dragon of my intuition,
devours me into its holographic vision;
burning up into the Cloud it flies:
the Unified Field of Light divine.
Waving/Pointing from quantum SpAce,
the sound of the Word reSonates;
primordial Om, born of great Silence,
Spirals forth its pearly Quintessence.

"The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot-long, three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. The serpent head has an open mouth extending around the east end of a 120-foot-long hollow oval feature. Scholars posit that the oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun." (Wikipedia).

Seed to Stone; ground to Ground

The Yin Yang wavicle, pointing and waving since ancient times,
sleeps within the unconscious id, waiting to be activated.
Seed to Stone; ground to Ground.
The yin~yang Seed of separation
is planted in the unconscious Ocean;
two fish chasing each other's tail,
the libidinal desire to be reconciled.
Thus the great Serpent sent by God,
to rescue Jonah and the rest of us,
forges the Pearl, gestates the dream,
in the churning Sea of destiny.
This water-Spirit to earth evolves,
chthonic Creature of the underworld,
like Cerberus it guards the secrets,
leads us into subconscious depths.
Then to elemental air it learns to fly,
the transcendent function of the mind;
leaden unconsciousness waking wide
to the golden glow of a Sun on high.
Baptismal fire now comes into play,
hones the Pearl of the eternal Day;
with bellowing wings of calcination,
enter the Dragon of Solarization.
And so the Ouroboros sheds its skin,
creates a ring-pass-not, death shining;
at its centre is the One true StOne,
the quantum Point in the Zero Ground.
Image result for symbol for gold

"The alchemical symbol for gold was a circle with a point
at its centre, which was also the ancient Chinese character
 for the Sun."

Kundalini Flowing and Flowering

Image result for ouroboros
Kundalini Flowing and Flowering.
My Spirit is no-longer stuck, in
leaks that keep it from rising up; 
libidinal energy flows where it must;
it is our purpose in which we trust.
And so each person follows their bliss,
the process of individual consciousness;
who can tell what will be the goal,
until Seed to Vine to Flower unfolds?
Spark through Fire to Light created,
Word to Spirit to Soul acquainted;
branching out into many byways,
returning back to the major highway.
We all intuit the Spirit immanent,
under the surface seeking fulfilment;
searching blindly, desiring completion,
a flower's bloom, a meal's satisfaction.
But round and round never ending,
hunger returns again and again;
the fire of Kundalini keeps burning;
Serpent-Spirit, Ouroboros, churning!
Until, the transcendent Flower shows,
revealing its countenance all aglow;
then the fire of desire is replete,
addiction's need need no-longer repeat.
Does not the Earth revolve around;
and the sunflower Sun hold its ground?
Solarization of consciousness complete:
flowing with Life, resting in Peace. 
Image result for ouroboros the serpent grail

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Trinity Eye of Singularity

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
 thy whole body shall be full of light." Jesus, Matt 6:22
Image result for salt mercury sulphur
Trinity Eye of Singularity.
Our earthy instincts get acted out;
water reflects our feeling states;
airy thinking molds consciousness;
fire of intuition inspires us.
Four cornerstones are thus well laid,
innate languages we must articulate;
before the Capstone can be placed,
"Lapis elevatus cum vento" raised.
Stone uplifted by the wind on high,
spirit sublimates into a golden Eye;
subject and object rebirth as One,
the yin-yang Wavicle forever born.
Spiral of the human coil unwinds,
"seed of Word" into Pearl of mind;
translucent Waves of reflectivity
Self-mirror the Point of singularity.
Through the double-slit "narrow gate,"
the dualistic ego disintegrates;
id energy no-longer needs an object,
becomes an Ideal Self as subject.
Instead of a thinker projecting thoughts
(ideas defining a lower self wrought),
conscious lucidity itSelf awakens,
refined Salt by way of sublimation.
Then Mercury emerges into view,
fluidity of silver, alchemical Dew;
reflecting wholographic omnipresence,
thoughtless non-dual Self-remembrance.
They say consciousness is a mystery,
because they have no Eye to see;
Horus flies with a higher vision,
focally converged triangulation.
Quantum Point in the zero ground,
fixed Sulphur in any location found;
solidifies the Wave of watery Wine,
a Grail of golden Self-conception.
The gods drink Mercury quadratus,
eternal Nectar of lucid consciousness;
quintessence of four elements refined,
triangulated into a shining Mind.
Image result for eye of horus wadjet
Ra, the Sun-Eye (Wadjet) or all-seeing Eye of Horus;
symbolizing the Solarization of consciousness.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

The Mythical Dreaming of Godzilla's Attack!

Image result for godzilla atomic breath

Godzilla destroys with its "atomic breath".

The Mythical Dreaming of Godzilla's Attack!
The golden Sun dawns higher by the day,
Spirit of my Fire-Serpent continues to sublimate;
into the Flower of quantum Light divine,
the Pearl of a Dragon shines in my mind.
So this is the miracle of transformation,
nature's inbuilt process of spiritualization;
it happens to everyone in the course of life,
like falling in love or learning to ride a bike.
Suddenly we "do it" and confidence builds,
our Spirit unfolds as we learn new skills;
we outgrow our parents, become individual,
who can say where the Serpent evolves?
My Animal-totem guides the way Home,
its instinctual intuition I must rely on;
my human mindset keeps things rational,
grounds me on earth for doing the practical.
But I must also follow my mythical dreams,
my personal stories, images setting the scene;
they tell it as it is from the Spirit side,
symbols of transformation coming alive.
Chased by a black python I flee in fear,
the wormhole of Nigredo drawing near;
why does my Spirit want to devour me so,
perhaps to gestate me in its belly below.
But my ego flees, afraid of the dark,
does not see the pregnant meaning so stark;
Rainbow Serpent with shape-shifting colours,
blackens to white, reddens as it fire-forges.
Thus the process of immanence Self-reveals,
Spirit stuck in matter wants to be healed;
sprouts wings to fan the flames of desire,
wants to transcend higher and higher.
What can I do but follow the signs,
into the underworld or unto the skies;
I follow the bliss of my burning scintilla,
the serpentine seed of the "atomic" God-zilla.
Image result for godzilla meditating

Monday, 28 March 2016

The Christic Hoverlith

"Crucifixion." Painted 1350 A.D.
The Christic Hoverlith.
Enter the Hoverlith;
it's a lifting device;
a sonic spiration
breathing down from on high.
It sends down a stream
into matter's ground;
a beam of baptismal
locomotion profound.
The Alien inside,
turns out in my mind
to be Christ, on fire;
the solarization of life.
He says, "deny yourself, take
up your cross, follow me."
This is the vehicle
that sets my Soul free.
Enter the archetype;
the monstrum from Space;
the light in the sky
shining down his true grace.

Ship of Thunder

"I was sent out from the power...
I am the first and last.
I am alien and citizen."
(Thunder Perfect Mind, Nag Hammadi Codex 6)
Ship of Thunder
I am caught aLight!...
in a whirling spiration.
An Alien leader has come
for my transportation.
Into the quantum void
the Saurian returns;
through the "narrow gate"
past flaming swords turn.
He beams me up high
on a Ray of disintegration.
My world is laid waste
by an archetypal invasion.
A Shamanic journey
of death and dismemberment,
delivers my Spirit home
to my Soul's resurrection.
A schizophrenic bout
of psychic fragmentation,
shatters my mind with a
"Thunder Perfect" reSonation.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Five EleMental Miracles

Image result for alchemical distillation

"Quintessence is a thing that is spiritual,
penetrating, tinging, and incorruptible,
which emerges anew from the 4 elements
when they are bound to each other." 
(Isaac Newton.)

Five EleMental Miracles
Hu-mans, "of the soil",
are raised from the earth;
the Orphic Egg or Seed
is the Spark of the "Word".
Walking upon water
along the course of the day;
head above unconsciousness,
despite the churning waves.
Floating through the air,
in the vacuum on high;
the gravity of mental matter
no-longer weighs on the mind.
Frolicking through fire,
without being consumed;
the light of the Sun
is born of the flames.
Four into one fused,
distills a fifth quintessence;
water into holy wine
celebrates transcendence.

Friday, 25 March 2016

The Alchemical Sun of Life and Death

Related image

Sol Niger, the Black Sun, from Splendor Solis (16th century).
"Be seekers of death. Death will teach you about being chosen."
Jesus, from The Secret Book of James.

The Alchemical Sun of Life and Death.
The Solarization of consciousness dawns,
the sun-like Son in my mind now formed;
how it glows with Light transcendent,
my sol-like Soul born of inSpiration.
How strange I Am as one indivisible,
with two faces shining intermingled;
one is a golden countenance refined,
the other shines black, destroying time.
Thus life and death are reconciled,
from one Ocean they flow and ebb;
life is water; death, mortido's fire,
two baptisms are therefore required.
Water into Spirit-Wine is fire-forged,
rubedo's redness, quintessence poured;
into the Cup of the golden Grail,
the philosopher's Stone vacuum sealed.
And so the Sun is really two in one,
gives life to all creatures born;
but also destroys with fiery breath,
endarkens all things back unto death.
Lord Thanatos and Christ are the same,
"Be seekers of death", Jesus did say;
for in one Heaven there's no separation,
all forces of nature in reconciliation.