Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Trinity Eye of Singularity

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single,
 thy whole body shall be full of light." Jesus, Matt 6:22
Image result for salt mercury sulphur
Trinity Eye of Singularity.
Our earthy instincts get acted out;
water reflects our feeling states;
airy thinking molds consciousness;
fire of intuition inspires us.
Four cornerstones are thus well laid,
innate languages we must articulate;
before the Capstone can be placed,
"Lapis elevatus cum vento" raised.
Stone uplifted by the wind on high,
spirit sublimates into a golden Eye;
subject and object rebirth as One,
the yin-yang Wavicle forever born.
Spiral of the human coil unwinds,
"seed of Word" into Pearl of mind;
translucent Waves of reflectivity
Self-mirror the Point of singularity.
Through the double-slit "narrow gate,"
the dualistic ego disintegrates;
id energy no-longer needs an object,
becomes an Ideal Self as subject.
Instead of a thinker projecting thoughts
(ideas defining a lower self wrought),
conscious lucidity itSelf awakens,
refined Salt by way of sublimation.
Then Mercury emerges into view,
fluidity of silver, alchemical Dew;
reflecting wholographic omnipresence,
thoughtless non-dual Self-remembrance.
They say consciousness is a mystery,
because they have no Eye to see;
Horus flies with a higher vision,
focally converged triangulation.
Quantum Point in the zero ground,
fixed Sulphur in any location found;
solidifies the Wave of watery Wine,
a Grail of golden Self-conception.
The gods drink Mercury quadratus,
eternal Nectar of lucid consciousness;
quintessence of four elements refined,
triangulated into a shining Mind.
Image result for eye of horus wadjet
Ra, the Sun-Eye (Wadjet) or all-seeing Eye of Horus;
symbolizing the Solarization of consciousness.

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