Sol Niger, the Black Sun, from Splendor Solis (16th century).
"Be seekers of death. Death will teach you about being chosen."
Jesus, from The Secret Book of James.
The Alchemical Sun of Life and Death.
The Solarization of consciousness dawns,
the sun-like Son in my mind now formed;
how it glows with Light transcendent,
my sol-like Soul born of inSpiration.
How strange I Am as one indivisible,
with two faces shining intermingled;
one is a golden countenance refined,
the other shines black, destroying time.
Thus life and death are reconciled,
from one Ocean they flow and ebb;
life is water; death, mortido's fire,
two baptisms are therefore required.
Water into Spirit-Wine is fire-forged,
rubedo's redness, quintessence poured;
into the Cup of the golden Grail,
the philosopher's Stone vacuum sealed.
And so the Sun is really two in one,
gives life to all creatures born;
but also destroys with fiery breath,
endarkens all things back unto death.
Lord Thanatos and Christ are the same,
"Be seekers of death", Jesus did say;
for in one Heaven there's no separation,
all forces of nature in reconciliation.
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