Thursday, 17 March 2016


 Heaven's heave down to this Earth doth blow
a flaming breath upon my thought-scape brow.
Into my mind the
Light aglow
shines forth a river fiery in its flow.
Into the river there to end my life
beneath cleansing waves of baptismal fire.
Mortified my ego will not long survive,
but give up the Holy Ghost unto the Christ.
Spirit freed from flesh can climb the sky,
and with the Stone of Christ uplifted fly.
Rock of Ages eternal is thy rest,
hold me safe inside your golden breast.
Lapis elevatus cum vento
" is my cry,
the Stone uplifted by the wind on high.
Christic Hoverlith
to Space returns anew,
his wind of
bids this world adieu.
Fired up, then sealed and cooled inside,
the metal craft from lead to gold refined.
One-ship from twoness now restored divine,
through the "narrow gate" with me to Heaven climbs.

Picture source: "Crucifixion" A.D. 1350.

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