"Ra, merged with Horus, blesses a Pharaoh with an ankh,
as if transferring him the divine power of the Sun/light."
The ankh started out as a simple cross representing
the 4 elements, as the fire circulates it becomes the loop or
Ru, the rising Serpent-Sun or Ouroboros. The Pharaoh
or God would blow his blessing or healing breath/
spirit through the Ru; hence the Jewish term for the
spirit, Ruach Elohim, "Spirit of God" (Ru-ankh). In
alchemy the Moon is the perfected earth, and "Luna gives
birth to the Sun". So if we replace earth with the crescent
Moon we get the anchor. (crescent, Latin to grow).
A Coptic Cross based on the Ankh.
Whilst doing the alchemical work of processing or
sublimating the Spirit of immanence, I need to be grounded
on earth; but once this is completed then I need to be
anchored in Heaven. This "sky hook" is a symbolic device
that performs the function of grounding consciousness
in the transcendent Sky, in the Ba and Akh of the eternal Soul.

Gnostic Cross (codex Brucianus)
The Anchorite and the
Magic Sky Ankhor, by J. Cordery.
"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul,
firm and secure, which enters the Presence behind the veil,
where Jesus has entered." Hebrews 6:19
The spiralling Wave of life and death in immanence,
pitches at the focal convergence Point of transcendence,
escaping the Ocean or flood of unconsciousness, born of
Thoth's Moon-boat, into the Sky of Solar consciousness.

The Byzantine/Russian cross could be a take on the
Globus cruciger. I only came across it a few weeks after writing
this poem. In alchemy the Moon is a chariot to the Sun.
Ark of the Moon, and
the Magic Sky Ankhor.
the Magic Sky Ankhor.
Upon a time the seas seemed calm,
I set course to sail into a storm;
Heaven's heave stirred-up the Ocean,
inSpired me with death's trepidation.
Upon a time the seas seemed calm,
I set course to sail into a storm;
Heaven's heave stirred-up the Ocean,
inSpired me with death's trepidation.
My pen is lifted, flows its want,
feathered inSpiration from the font;
brush to quill to pencil evolved,
lead, to my present implement, gold.
"Word" expressed in so many words,
the Holy Ghost "no ear has heard";
great Silence of the empty Page,
without which my ideas have no stage.
And so from the Matrix, Mother void,
all things are born into making noise;
a seeming blank space, Spirit vellum,
inSpires me to write down my feelings.
So much to process, so much to say,
cacophony down the corridor of history;
the "talking cure" tries to heal the rift,
schizophrenic split in consciousness.
Which brings me to this very point,
the quantum now outside of time;
the focal convergence of the wave,
invisible centre of the cyclonic nave.
The Ankh of eternal Life, realized,
Cross of rebirth and sacrifice,
through it the Wind blows its blessing,
lifts-up the Stone into the Heavens.
The Ankh of eternal Life, realized,
Cross of rebirth and sacrifice,
through it the Wind blows its blessing,
lifts-up the Stone into the Heavens.
Unconscious depths rise to the surface,
pointing and waving as I confess;
dotting the i's of the undulating line,
breaking the tension into sky of mind.
Even in the battle of the sexes,
quantum mechanics here perplexes;
men like to make rational points,
women, emotional waves in response.
Even in the battle of the sexes,
quantum mechanics here perplexes;
men like to make rational points,
women, emotional waves in response.
And so the old animal skin is shed,
served its purpose to reach the end;
all stories have a particular pitch,
hence this penultimate verse exists.
Blue ink drawn from the wellspring,
gets to the meaning of its thinking;
the power and peace of the "Word",
penetrates the Ocean, Pearl unearthed.

"When you go down into Egypt
and bring back the one pearl
that lies in the middle of the sea
and is guarded by the snorting serpent,
you will be heir in our kingdom."
"I remembered the pearl.
And in my royal robe of brilliant colours,
I arrayed myself, wholly."
(The Song of the Pearl, Acts of Thomas.)
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