Caduceus (pt 1)
The Hermetic Magic-Wand of Self Reappearance.
The shift in consciousness occurs again,
the Sun dawns real from a sleeping dream;
awakens my mind to a higher vision,
time becomes timeless, no more division.
How strange this Oneness of remembrance,
everywhere to be found but also hidden;
the "Stone that is not a stone" shining,
a quantum Light now all-surrounding.
How did the Truth disappear long ago,
to be replaced by the separate ego;
Hermes thus forged his Magic Wand,
to reappear the winged Orb long forgotten.
This healing Caduceus of reconciliation,
dispels the spell of dualistic separation;
two snakes, male and female entwine,
a Serpent raised on the staff of spine.
Magical Dragon flame-forges its Pearl,
Hermetic alchemy of the mind unveiled;
animal-Spirit of the id sublimed,
leaden earth, through fire gold-crowned!
Magus Wand of four elements into One,
the fifth divine Energy eternal born;
quantum Solid, Ra and risen Uraeus,
Serpent~Sun of Sol with Moon goddess.
Magus Wand of four elements into One,
the fifth divine Energy eternal born;
quantum Solid, Ra and risen Uraeus,
Serpent~Sun of Sol with Moon goddess.

Caduceus, by James Muir.
The crowned and winged goddess of nature
emerges from the World (Orphic) Egg.
Two Serpents of fire and water, rise from the
earth Seed on airy wings, and bloom forth
into the Flower of the golden Mind.
earth Seed on airy wings, and bloom forth
into the Flower of the golden Mind.

Ankh (pt 2)
Raising the Dead.
The RU inflates, loops into the Halo,
our second skin or memBrane aglow;
Ra, solarization of consciousness dawns,
Uraeus, rebirths the pneumatic Soul.
Jesus had the power of life and death,
libido and mortido, Serpents on Caduceus;
could "lay down his life," old skin to rest,
and "take it up again," new skin blessed.
~John 10:17~
A secret Fire is in the "Breath of Life,"
Spirit blown through the Ankh-Cross divine;
magical Pneuma, the Air of Heaven,
Holy Spiration of the Orb all shining.
Pneumatic energy begins as latent id,
stuck in the Earth, unconsciously dormant;
stirs into e-motion as libidinal desire,
searching and climbing higher and higher.
Life's Watery flow of libido inSpires,
energizes all things from plants to mind;
inflates ideas, thought-bubbles bright,
the creativity of thinking self-defines.
Into an ego identity Spirit forms,
ideation rises above the animal world;
beliefs and concepts create an entity,
the personality born from collectivity.
But our material skin is not strong enough,
will live a lifetime but eventually burst;
I lose my marbles to gain the One ideal,
Dragon disgorges the immaculate Pearl.
Ouroboros devours her own children,
the ego eggs of human ideation;
extracting their essence for a holy Child,
the Individual Self reborn from the wild.
And so the ego must be deflated,
by way of mortido, death devoured;
Jonah's Leviathan resurfaces spouting,
inflates a thoughtless Bubble everlasting.
Dying symbolically releases our Spirit,
to be reused and wrought indefinite;
resurrecting life into a new memBrane,
an eternal Halo the Soul to contain.
"The Wind blows wherever it pleases,"
on wings of desire Self-resuscitated;
fire-forged by the Dragon's breath,
the ideal Word, from ocean re-birthed.
The RU of the rising Sun and Moon,
Ra and Uraeus above the horizon,
water-Snake seals in the Wine refined,
fire-Serpent burns into a golden Mind.
Coptic Cross based on the Ankh.
The 4 aspects of consciousness: visceral, emotional,
rational, and intuitional energies, are balanced, and
transcend the world as the 5th Orb of enLightenment.

Image of the Brazen Serpent (Illustrated Bible Dictionary) 1897.
My interpretation: Uraeus, the Serpent, Spirit of life
in immanence, rises above the horizon as the transcendent
Soul of Ra, the Sun/Star of eternal Life. The Serpent sacrifices
the "old skin" of human ignorance, and loops into the RU of
the reconciled opposites: Ra and Uraeus, Sun and Moon, Fire
and Water, Male and Female, Soul and Spirit. The self-devouring
Ouroboros consumes itself in the flames of holy fire, rebirthing
through the wormhole (Ru) as the Light everlasting.

The Biscione Serpent.
Either devouring a human child or re-birthing the divine Child.
"And you shall eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your sons and daughters."
Deut 28:53

Ankh, symbolic Key to eternal Life. The loop is called the
Ru, as in Ruach, the Hebrew word for "wind" or "spirit."
Pharaoh receives the breath of eternal life from Horus.
Ru, as in Ruach, the Hebrew word for "wind" or "spirit."
Pharaoh receives the breath of eternal life from Horus.
The Ankh was the original cross of resurrection or resuscitation.
It represents the Sun, Ra, rising above the horizon. The cross
symbolizes the 4 elemental energies fused into one eternal Light.
The Ankh is the anchor or skyhook that grounds the Spirit in
the oceanic space of Heaven, in the Soul or Solar barque.
It represents the Sun, Ra, rising above the horizon. The cross
symbolizes the 4 elemental energies fused into one eternal Light.
The Ankh is the anchor or skyhook that grounds the Spirit in
the oceanic space of Heaven, in the Soul or Solar barque.
The Soul is an exhalation that perceives, it is different from
the body, and always flowing." Heraclitus, 535-475 BC.
Raising the Dead.
Id, Latin "it", the instincts and energies in the unconscious
mind that underlie all psychological impulses.
~The RU inflates, loops into the Halo,
our second skin or memBrane aglow;
Ra, solarization of consciousness dawns,
Uraeus, rebirths the pneumatic Soul.
Jesus had the power of life and death,
libido and mortido, Serpents on Caduceus;
could "lay down his life," old skin to rest,
and "take it up again," new skin blessed.
~John 10:17~
A secret Fire is in the "Breath of Life,"
Spirit blown through the Ankh-Cross divine;
magical Pneuma, the Air of Heaven,
Holy Spiration of the Orb all shining.
Pneumatic energy begins as latent id,
stuck in the Earth, unconsciously dormant;
stirs into e-motion as libidinal desire,
searching and climbing higher and higher.
Life's Watery flow of libido inSpires,
energizes all things from plants to mind;
inflates ideas, thought-bubbles bright,
the creativity of thinking self-defines.
Into an ego identity Spirit forms,
ideation rises above the animal world;
beliefs and concepts create an entity,
the personality born from collectivity.
But our material skin is not strong enough,
will live a lifetime but eventually burst;
I lose my marbles to gain the One ideal,
Dragon disgorges the immaculate Pearl.
Ouroboros devours her own children,
the ego eggs of human ideation;
extracting their essence for a holy Child,
the Individual Self reborn from the wild.
And so the ego must be deflated,
by way of mortido, death devoured;
Jonah's Leviathan resurfaces spouting,
inflates a thoughtless Bubble everlasting.
Dying symbolically releases our Spirit,
to be reused and wrought indefinite;
resurrecting life into a new memBrane,
an eternal Halo the Soul to contain.
"The Wind blows wherever it pleases,"
on wings of desire Self-resuscitated;
fire-forged by the Dragon's breath,
the ideal Word, from ocean re-birthed.
The RU of the rising Sun and Moon,
Ra and Uraeus above the horizon,
water-Snake seals in the Wine refined,
fire-Serpent burns into a golden Mind.
Coptic Cross based on the Ankh.
The 4 aspects of consciousness: visceral, emotional,
rational, and intuitional energies, are balanced, and
transcend the world as the 5th Orb of enLightenment.
Image of the Brazen Serpent (Illustrated Bible Dictionary) 1897.
My interpretation: Uraeus, the Serpent, Spirit of life
in immanence, rises above the horizon as the transcendent
Soul of Ra, the Sun/Star of eternal Life. The Serpent sacrifices
the "old skin" of human ignorance, and loops into the RU of
the reconciled opposites: Ra and Uraeus, Sun and Moon, Fire
and Water, Male and Female, Soul and Spirit. The self-devouring
Ouroboros consumes itself in the flames of holy fire, rebirthing
through the wormhole (Ru) as the Light everlasting.
The Biscione Serpent.
Either devouring a human child or re-birthing the divine Child.
"And you shall eat the fruit of your womb, the flesh of your sons and daughters."
Deut 28:53
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