"Athanor of the Mind" 18th century.
The calcination stage where the alchemist
undergoes fiery transformation.
The calcination stage where the alchemist
undergoes fiery transformation.
Stoke Thy Fire.
Stoke thy fire,
for fire births Light;
from ashes arises
the Phoenix so bright.
This fire of passion,
the libido asleep,
is kundalini stirring
in unconsciousness deep.
Blackening to white,
burning to the bone,
nigredo to albedo
the Ouroboros churns.
Blackening to white,
burning to the bone,
nigredo to albedo
the Ouroboros churns.
The alchemical forge,
fires forth Gold;
from leaden waters
the Pearl is behold.
Stoke thy fire,
in self immolation;
burn-up in desire,
the Id's sublimation.
Is not God ablaze?...
"Burning Bush" of yore;
and our Sun ashine,
his flames we adore.
But who can bear it,
this blackening force?
Sol Niger, Dark Sun,
announcing our Lord.
Stoke thy fire,
the prelude to Light;
and as it destroys thee,
know: you cannot die.
The alchemical "Black Sun" ; Freud's mortido, the
psychological force of Death in our lives.
"The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood, before the coming
of the great and glorious day of the Lord." (Acts 2:20)
"The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood, before the coming
of the great and glorious day of the Lord." (Acts 2:20)
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