The King devours his son, from
The Book of Lambspring.
"God is a man-eater. So people are sacrificed to him."
(Gospel of Philip, Nag Hammadi library)
The Death Master.
Holy Wine, Spirit of quintessence,
distilled from lust into love's Presence;
white waters changed into Rubedo's Wine,
the libidinal libation of self-sacrifice.
The Gods cannot resist a Eucharist,
risen Soul-Bread and fiery Spirit;
like humans who dine on animal meat,
the next Kingdom sees us as a juicy feast!
But do not despair of the Gods on high,
for they are really us, in disguise;
they are the Crown of the Ouroboros,
we are the tail of unconsciousness.
And so it seems we lose our lives,
in order that a higher Being can survive;
but in truth, Christ's flesh and blood,
is the secret way to the Heavens above.
The Tree of sacrifice under the Sun,
from the "Seed of Word" now in bloom,
flowers forth divine our human potential,
sheds the "old skin" for a life eternal.
The final stage of alchemical distillation,
Rubedo, the reddening of the situation,
depicts our ability "to let go and let God",
green wheat dies into a golden Head.

Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
The shed and crowned Ouroboros reveals the
The shed and crowned Ouroboros reveals the
countenance of the starry Soul in the "Cloud
of Unknowing." This skeletal Ouroboros is the
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
consciousness; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of albedo; revealing
the rubedo of holy wine, the serpent-distilled
quintessence of alchemy.
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
consciousness; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of albedo; revealing
the rubedo of holy wine, the serpent-distilled
quintessence of alchemy.
"Be seekers of death. Death will teach you about being chosen."
(Jesus, the Secret Book of James, Nag Hammadi library.)
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