The World of Little Boys and Girls
(or, the Science of Imagination)
Into the streaming mythic mind,
the flow of Spirit outside time;
like in a dream yet wide awake,
I enter a strange and symbolic state.
We all do it to some degree:
a new home can cause a reverie;
"falling in love" is a good example;
or the power of money in our hands.
And once the daydream is activated,
it sweeps me up, gets me motivated:
a mythical quest to find the Grail;
or tame a fiery Dragon by the tail.
If you want to see this happening,
look at children whilst they're playing;
carried along by their inSpiration,
acting out what the fairies are saying.
To indulge in such idle fantasy,
imagination unrestricted by reality,
is still frowned upon in our schools,
education can repress being magical.
Where is that realm that we once knew,
climbing trees, playing without shoes?
I hear the echo of playground yells,
the world of little boys and girls.

In a puff of Spirit
the Dragon appeareth!
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