"Make every effort to enter through the narrow door."
Luke 13:24
The Wrath of Love.
Luke 13:24
The Wrath of Love.
Life's fullness of Love's gestation
leaves a wake of empty transformation;
red rose of Love's full-bloom
now dies beneath the Sun's bright doom.
My grape is pressed and bloody flows,
the wrath of Love delivers death's blow;
the old wine skin must be destroyed,
a new one in Heaven's realm deployed.
Life narrows down in the aging process,
releasing the essence of ex-experience.
Now left behind my ego fades,
my Spirit upward evaporates away.
Intoxicating bliss of happiness
in this lower kingdom cannot persist.
Male and female, war and peace,
are reconciled in a higher place.
Love has flown away it seems,
an empty nightmare replaces the dream.
Life's but a wine-press in the end,
holy nectar must to Heaven ascend.
Libido's lust into mortido's dust,
my life-force is fated to be crushed.
Farewell the old skin of immanence,
but where's the new cup of transcendence?
Spirit of wine now pressed by Will,
needs a Soul-Cup it can fill.
My old skin is but a hollowman,
Love's wrathful process I must withstand.
New wine into a new skin sublime,
my sol-like Soul must be defined.
This Holy Grail or Stone divine
is fire forged in my virgin mind.
Pearl of the Dragon, Soul born of Spirit,
winged Orb of Light, golden Dish;
the Self or new skin archetype
has always been mythologized.
I need a Cup in which to stow
my Spirit's Life pressed down below.
A quantum Vehicle must be "miracled"
for the water-to-wine I have distilled.
Crowning forth on my dark horizon,
a sol-like Soul born of the Ocean;
my new skin rises, Sun-Barque eternal,
amphorae full and skyward sailing.
And so Love's oneness is restored,
her Spirit into my Soul-Cup poured;
never again to be downward spilled,
New Wine into a New Skin sealed.
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