"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God." Ephesians 6:17.
The Serpent Sword.
The Ouroboros, devouring itself,
sheds the old skin of consciousness;
integrates all the colours refined,
into the Soul of eternal mind.
MemBrane of a new skin formed,
vegetation Spirit into a golden Dawn;
the Sun rises, fire from water,
the Ideal, from the id reservoir.
Life's libido from a latent lake,
the Sword extracted, there to take;
to wield the power of destiny,
Spirit of the "Word" set free.
Who can release it from matter,
the instincts of Pan in Arcadia;
the Green Man, Osiris in Hades;
Adam, fallen into sexual need?
Libido rises from id latency,
into ideas inflated with energy;
living fire, the flaming Sword,
takes on many ideational forms.
Including now the personal ego,
self-defined from ideas we mold;
agglomerated into an identity,
pinnacle of human collectivity.
But the Blade must be hardened,
tempered by wrath's purification;
mortido deflates thinking bubbles,
Spirit freed from mental troubles.
Earth, forged in airy fire bright,
from water, born into shining light;
the Ideal weapon of war and peace,
lifted high, Serpent Sword complete.

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