Thoth, the god of Thought, Magic, Writing, Alchemy,
and the Moon. Greek-Hermes, Roman-Mercury.
The Magic Circle
Magic Circle in my mind,
chaos of identity unrefined;
potential, awaiting to be squared,
betwixt mine ears a mystery heard.
Pregnant with swelling ideas,
the Mound from Nu appears;
Benben Hill for climbing high,
seeing things from airy sky.
Sitting there with omni-vision,
in fiery, child-like imagination,
inSpiration comes down to play,
book of heaven channelled through.
Earthen id of instinctuality,
from watery libido, emotionality,
rises into pneumatic ideation,
before fire catches my intuition.
Above the earthy green of Pan,
golden glows the Sun of man;
between them silvery reflections,
Luna's magical conceptions.
This reverie of innocence,
captures me into his presence;
god of magic, Thoth, divine,
the Scribe of Egypt pen in hand.
Whispering down an incantation,
a spell for Spirit excitation;
an evensong for my dreams,
blood Moon of his alchemy:
'My tide lifts-up the water,
gathering salt upon the shore;
the wind dries it all free,
for cooking fire inside of Thee.'
'Flames dawn our Sol of light,
transcendent Bird of fire flies;
blackened, rises pure and white,
turning red and shining bright.'
A thoughtless Bubble magics-up!..
a quantum Solid floating off;
crystal clarity, wavy reflection,
ideal point of Self-conception.

All-seeing Eye of Horus on the U.S. one-dollar note.
The Benben mound, now a stone, triangulated into
the trinity of the rebirthed Soul.
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