"The wolf as prima materia, devouring the dead king.
In the background: sublimation of the prima materia
and rebirth of the king. Maier, Scrutinium chymicum (1687)"
(Jung, Psychology and Alchemy).
(Jung, Psychology and Alchemy).
Ruby Heart of Gold.
The gap between two thoughts
is the entrance point;
down the quantum wormhole,
where lies alchemical Gold!
At first it's a black hole,
called putrefying "Nigredo";
where the ego now decays,
returns back to the grave.
Then comes the white light,
at the end of the night;
where all colours recombine,
from the prism of split time.
"Albedo's" whiteness reunifies,
ready for the final sacrifice;
the wrath of God's wine-press
extracts the fifth Quintessence.
Four spirits into Holy Blood,
earth, water, air, forge fired;
alchemical "Rubedo" coagulates,
into the Stone or quantum Solid.
The Ruby Heart of Gold,
two colours into One behold;
"new wine" in a "new skin" tight,
sealed by a Crown all abright!
Raven (nigredo), Dove (albedo), and
Phoenix (rubedo), reacting and processing
the Spirit in a crown sealed and heated flask.
From Splendour Solis, 1535.
"Luna gives birth to the Red King,
the sum of all perfection, the Stone
itself, whose golden orb and sceptre,
robe of royal purple and golden aura
proclaim his absolute majesty."
Francis Melville.
the sum of all perfection, the Stone
itself, whose golden orb and sceptre,
robe of royal purple and golden aura
proclaim his absolute majesty."
Francis Melville.
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