Thursday, 25 February 2016

The One-Eyed Monster

Image result for yin yang fish

Image result for ichthus

Left, Ichthus, the Christ Fish; right, yin yang symbol, two fish
chasing each other's tail, libido's life-force and mortido's death-wish.

The One-Eyed Monster
One-eyed monster mythological;
green giant of the underworld;
stirs inside my subconsciousness,
a fallen fish-god like Ichthus.
The Green-man sleeps all around,
in the unconscious forest wild;
water to earth, higher ground,
salamander searches for its crown.
Arthur, or is it Aether Pendragon,
earth to air, winged imagination;
elemental creature invokes fire,
Holy Spirit of our burning desire.
And so the giant Eye awakes,
from its sleepy human state;
light blazing like the golden Sun,
rises up to a higher kingdom.
Magic bean into a snaking vine,
stairway of the Caduceus spine;
the serpent Staff of Asclepius,
Rod that catches the giant Fish.
Image result for symbol for gold
Eye of the Soul.
"The alchemical symbol for gold was a circle with a point
at its centre, which was also the astrological symbol and ancient
Chinese character for the Sun."
Related image

Marble column from the Temple of Asclepius, 
son of Apollo, the Sun God. Serpents coiled around 
olive branches kissing a Sun Wheel.

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