Tuesday, 23 February 2016

"Lapis Elevatus Cum Vento"

He said to them, “You are from below; I am from above.
 You are of this world; I am not of this world." (John 8:23)
Image result for salt mercury sulphur
The three metalloid qualities of the higher Self.
"Mercury is the Spirit, Sulfur is the Soul, Salt the Body." (Paracelsus)
"Lapis Elevatus Cum Vento"
(the Stone uplifted by the Wind on high).
I wish to dispel the spell of thinking,
the waking dream in which I'm sleeping;
ideas self-define a lower ego identity,
a powerful "thinker" with whom I'm identified.
And so I must understand and sacrifice
the egoic entity I've known all my life;
in order to rebirth a transcendent Self,
the one Jesus said is not of this world.
My fallen spirit was knocked unconscious,
into the instinctual id, animal awareness;
id flows as libido into action and ideas,
which self-defined my ego over the years.
What is this sub-identity I've made?...
fashioned from four elemental states;
earthen instincts and watery emotion,
airy thinking and fiery intuition.
These cornerstone languages I've learned,
make-up the personality of who I am;
but a Capstone is required up on high,
the eternal Seer of the Falcon's Eye.
Thus four are triangulated into One,
the singularity of the Pyramid Stone;
containing a trinity of Soul qualities,
replacing the elemental ones in duality.
Refined Salt of crystal lucidity rebirthed,
awakens the "thinker" from water and earth;
a white-silver metalloid memBrane new,
instinctuality of id into Salt of the Moon.
Winged Mercury, fluidity and Self-reflection,
instead of mental matter of airy ideation;
Spirit of pneuma from mortido and void,
a dematerialized Image in a formless form.
And when intuition has fulfilled the dream,
a "secret Fire" replaces the lower flame,
Sulphur of the Soul solidifies our Gold,
the Solarization of consciousness born.
The Wind of pneuma inflates the Ru,
thoughtless Bubble of a Light-Halo;
conjured-up magically like a thought,
but without ideas, the Imago wrought!
There is a god without a mythic tale,
stories that the other gods must tell;
Heh, of eternity and lucid formlessness,
the Nub at the centre of all awareness.
By getting a grip on both life and death,
we increase the focal Point of consciousness;
until the Observer parts the Waters of Nu,
quantum Wave into an undivided Individual.
Image result for pagan god self image
The God-Self Image or Imago Dei.
Heh, the god of  eternity and formlessness,
sits upon Nub, the symbol for gold.
Image result for pharaoh holding ankh
Ankh, symbolic Key to eternal Life. The loop is called the
Ru, as in Ruach, the Hebrew word for "wind" or "spirit." 
Pharaoh receives the breath of eternal life from Horus.
The Ankh was the original cross of resurrection or resuscitation.
It represents the inflation of the Soul qualities: Ka, Ba, and Akh,
above the cross of the 4 elemental languages of the lower ego. 
The Soul is an exhalation that perceives, it is different from
the body, and always flowing." Heraclitus, 535-475 BC.
The End of Understanding
(from the Chaldean Oracles)
"Yea, there is That which is the End-of-understanding, 
That which thou must understand with flower of mind.
For should'st thou turn thy mind inwards on It

and understand It as understanding 'something,' 
thou shalt not understand It.
For there is a power of the primordial mind 

that shineth forth in all directions, 
flashing with rays of intelligence."


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