Wednesday, 4 May 2016

The Sexual Spirit of Kundalini

Intersecting Shiva lingam and yoni.
The linga or pillar of light penetrates the 
dark womb of the goddess and rises up
 as the reconciled and unified opposites of life. 
The Fire-Serpent, Kundalini,
as the Sexual Spirit.
(Sexual dance as an art form)
And the Serpent said to the couple:
"eat of the fruit of sexual knowledge,
it will set you free to dance and fly,
and you will become like Angels on high."
The Serpent spoke the truth, God did lie,
they did not die, but multiplied.
"Good and Evil" experience separates,
so we can learn to discriminate.
Spirit rises-up as blind desire,
searching for Soul, its golden Child.
Artistic inSpiration is our saving grace,
to express one's Self, and free the slave.
Painting, sculpture, music's trance,
acting, gardening, and sexual dance;
all are forms of Spirit invocation,
the poetry of the Uni-Verse in motion.
Show me a child who's not an artist,
be it painter, dancer, cook, or florist.
Separation comes back together again,
two into One the birth-miracle mends.
Horns into Crown transmogrified;
libidinal Spirit sublimated sublime;
blind-desire wakes-up from its sleep,
to an Angel's kiss upon its cheek.
The Tree of Life we all must climb,
to reach the Soul-Star all ashine.
We cursed the Snake who inSpires play,
and so got stuck and lost our way.
Invoked, the sexual seed unfolds,
flowers atop the Burning Bush of old.
The Serpent-Sun dawns in my mind,
fire into Light transformed divine.
Winged Phallus, found in a temple of Dionysus, in Delos Island, Greece, 300 B.: Thought History, Dionysus Temple, Dionysian Temple, Greece 300, Dionysus Greece, Ancient Greece

The Roman Fascinus or divine Winged Phallus.
My interpretation: to me this is a great symbol
for the sublimating sublime of the psychic energy
of the id (i.e. libido) on the wings of Spirit, reaching
to the apex of phallic ingenuity: the enLightened bliss 
of transcendent consciousness.

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