The Golden Art by Andrea de Pascalis.
My interpretation:
Volcanic earth erupts fiery and vitriolic Sulphur
into the air element. The 4 elemental languages
are grounded (the chair), and the three higher
principles or flowers of the Soul are grasped,
fixing the Sulphur into a golden Self portrait.
My interpretation:
Volcanic earth erupts fiery and vitriolic Sulphur
into the air element. The 4 elemental languages
are grounded (the chair), and the three higher
principles or flowers of the Soul are grasped,
fixing the Sulphur into a golden Self portrait.
Who Am I?
Who am I?... is the eternal question,
the conundrum of our self-reflection;
the search for identity forever compels,
for it is the Core of everything else.
God announced: "I Am Who I Am,"
answered the question with a koan;
for the thinking mind can never resolve,
what it really means to be an Individual.
The Solution contains within it the Self,
the Atman, Soul, or Christ countenance;
the Sun rises from waters unconscious,
the Being of Light, born of darkness.
Francis of Assisi, summed up Self seeking,
"Who you are looking for is who is looking;"
and so each one must find the simple truth,
that we are who we are regardless of proof.
The materialistic mind has fashioned an ego,
the persona or mask pretending a role;
but when we take off this artificial self,
underneath it at first there seems but a veil.
The true Self exists in silvery formlessness,
the sheer clarity of which seems like an abyss;
this is the challenge of holding creative SpAce,
long enough for the exposure to take place.
Developing the Soul-Image in the mind,
one must enter a darkroom of kind;
there in the alchemical process of Nigredo,
the interior Light-Being magically unfolds.
From fire and ashes the Phoenix rises,
the Self-solarization of consciousness;
how strange he is, the undivided Individual,
independent and free, from family absolved.
Who am I?... is a death meditation,
the egoic self dies in sensory suffocation;
Jesus had the ability, "to lay down his life,"
and "take it up again," reborn as the Christ.
(John 10:17)
Holographic Image of Imago Dei.
If God be omnipresent and everywhere,
then so too our God-Self Imago Dei;
quantum Solidity is the explanation,
id to Ideal via transubstantiation.
To develop the Image of a triune Self,
the Alchemist compounds 3 metalloids;
Salt, Mercury, Sulfur, Tria Prima,
the trinity of the Soul all together.
First the ego-elements are balanced,
so they can be fused into Remembrance;
earthen instincts and watery emotions,
airy thinking and fiery intuition.
Earth and water into refined Salt,
clear lucidity of awakening buoyant;
dissolving elements back into the Ocean;
New Skin of a pneumatic inflation.
Water and air into silver Mercury,
Spirit on wings begins to fly;
fluidity and holographic reflectivity,
starts imprinting a higher Identity.
Air and fire into Sulfurous heat,
flaming Spirit into golden Light;
final Portrait eternally etched,
solidity of the Imago Dei rebirthed.
Imprint of the God-Self Icon,
"Seed of the Word" fully grown;
from the Head of the Ouroboros,
the Ideal Image in consciousness.
There he is, before my worldly vision,
my unearthly Oceanic reflection;
like looking through silvery Waves,
teeming with all-seeing gilded Eyes.

Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
The shed and crowned Ouroboros reveals the
The shed and crowned Ouroboros reveals the
countenance of the starry Soul in the "Cloud
of Unknowing." This skeletal Ouroboros is the
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
consciousness; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of albedo; revealing
the rubedo of holy wine, the serpent-distilled
quintessence of alchemy; and holy bread, the
golden Imago Dei of God-Self remembrance.
golden Imago Dei of God-Self remembrance.

the pure, untainted, and ever-lasting Self.
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