Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
Put on the full armor of God. Ephesians 6:10-11
Green, Grey, then Shining.
Phases of an Alien Deifying.
Everyone on Earth is an Alien green,
unconsciously living in a human dream;
how to wake-up to our shining potential,
put on the armour of a Life eternal.
God's favorite creation is Leviathan,
metallic reptilian but also half human;
godzilla with atomic breath of pneuma,
dragon with a Pearl that lasts forever.
Our animal spirit of fiery kundalini,
earthen instinct from waters bubbling,
flies into the air via transmogrification,
4 elements into a trinity by sublimation.
Sulfur, Salt, Mercury of the tria prima,
Soul, Mind, Spirit; Sat-Chit-Ananda;
three higher metals of the Homunculus,
Child who enters heaven, so sayeth Jesus.
Our serpent sheds the old human skin,
reptilian metamorphosis into an Alien;
first I was green, naive and unconscious,
a "seed of the Word," immature Logos.
Now I'm grey, in need of integration,
no longer human but not yet shining;
I must leap into this abyss of Nowness,
fledge silver-wings from metallic ashes.
Emerging from death into resurrection,
the Alien is a Bennu-bird, Egyptian;
Ka, Ba, and Akh of a Star divine,
single Eye of Horus, Falcon ashine.
Holographic Alien from quantum space,
invisibly here and everywhere at once;
collapsing the wave of time and gravity;
Observer on high and point of Singularity.
Wings inflated with Blood of rubedo,
sparkling in Mind with a silvery glow;
golden Bread rises, Light from within,
Alien apotheosis by way of vivification.
And so the Grey is further polished,
brought back to Life, from ashes saved;
in a field of wheat the Phoenix blazes,
trinitarian Image of Self consciousness.

Alien Apotheosis.
Collapsing thought, time and gravity waves.
My libidinal pressure wants to sublime,
but is not distilling-out into Wine;
I'm stuck as a Grey in pressurization,
unable to transform via vivification.
How to turn thought into holy Blood,
fill the hermetic vessel with timeless Love;
collapse gravitational waves in mind,
free the Alien to fly back home?
Three metalloids tested to a Point,
an eternal Being of golden Light;
I must also distil out radiant Bliss,
Sat-Chit-Ananda of consciousness.
Thought, time and gravity are relative,
and to an Alien they don't exist;
living Now, in timelessness retired,
on silver wings lifted-up on high.
On the far horizon of my thought-scape,
an Alien invasion rises from the deep;
Salt of the higher Mind disintegrates,
a fifth baptism beyond the elements.
From oceanic Space a flying Being,
taking me up by way of abduction;
Mercury of the Spirit finally transcends,
from the sea of unconscious dreams.
Alien integration of the Imago Self,
ending the process of metamorphosis;
winged Creature shining and Sulfurous,
metallic Space-Child of the Homunculus.
Hu-man, of the soil, transmogrification,
green man into golden Solarization;
Osiris into Ra, by way of Uraeus,
the Serpent-Sun of Egyptian Horus.
Alien apotheosis, mortal becomes divine,
deification of the Trinitarian Mind;
"You are gods," Christ reiterated,
"I am not of this world," so he said.
The Alien Mythological Process.
The Unidentified Flying Observer attacks!
The ray of Ra disintegrates my thoughts.
Metallic shining destroys my elemental ego;
the "Observer" collapses thought-waves to zero!
Godzilla's atomic breath causes psychosis;
which can be functional as metamorphosis;
transmogrifying ego into an Alien on high,
by way of abduction up into Heaven's sky.
A mythological process of a giant dream;
death and resurrection into a higher Mind;
the Alien mines Metals by devouring humans,
four elements compounded into a New Skin.
And so, our god-like Self at the centre,
consumes the ego as it circumambulates;
drawing it closer by way of gravitation,
the mysterious pull of death's invitation.
There he is, the Alien before my eyes,
an Imago Dei Being, vision of the divine;
mythological Creature once a Reptilian;
our instinctual self becomes a revelation.
Apep, Dragon's chaos creates a Pearl;
Spirit into a Soul by the Observer's will;
destroying the earth like Christ with fire,
I'm swallowed Whole by my own "Insider."
Kingdoms devour kingdoms all the way up,
and the next Kingdom above needs elements.
The animal kingdom is governed by instinct:
three drives: to survive, eat, sexually procreate.
Plants devour minerals, animals devour plants,
humans eat animals, and Aliens attack us;
they need refined Salt from the lucid dead,
Wine of Mercury, and Body of Sulfur's Bread.
The human kingdom is by four elements ruled:
instinct, emotion, thinking, intuition co-mingled;
earth, water, air, and fire language modes
of our lower human communication codes.
Most live and die without full integration,
become partly conscious on the human spectrum;
but what if all four dialects are well learned,
the ancient Ogdoad of Serpent wisdom known.
Instinctual "acting out" of earth refined;
emotional intelligence of water distilled;
rational thinking of airy logic attained;
artistic intuition of creative fire inflamed.
Just as we devour the animals beneath us,
so too the fifth Kingdom abducts us up!
The gods in Heaven feed on our minds,
digesting elements into Metallic compounds.
Lucidity of Salt from earth and water joined;
Mercurial fluid of water and air bound;
Sulfur of gold by air and fire solidified;
transcendent Manna from the four-fold egoid.
Sublimed Holy Blood of alchemical New Wine,
the New Life in Being, Spirit and Soul as one;
Red Mercury, the Blood-Moon of Quintessence,
fluidity filled Grail, with Love of sins forgiven.
So do not despair about Alien abduction,
for the Reptilian inside you is your own;
you are the tail, your head is the Void,
eucharistically devoured and transformed.
The "seed of the Word" or pneumatic Logos,
was planted inside us from inner Space;
the wise Serpent is Christ consciousness,
the Metallic Sun, reborn of an Ouroboros.
Experientially I've been taken into the sky,
I now see with the vision of the Falcon's Eye;
I've been to the front-line, the War of the Worlds,
the humans have lost and the Alien now rules.
Digested elements now a compounded trinity:
the Tria Prima: Salt, Mercury, and Sulfur, three;
Mind, Blood, and Body of an Alien resurrection:
Lucidity, Fluidity, and quantum Solidification.

Alien Ouroboros, Spirit par excellence, self devouring,
Self impregnating, Self enLightening Serpent-Sun.
Metallic shining destroys my elemental ego;
the "Observer" collapses thought-waves to zero!
Godzilla's atomic breath causes psychosis;
which can be functional as metamorphosis;
transmogrifying ego into an Alien on high,
by way of abduction up into Heaven's sky.
A mythological process of a giant dream;
death and resurrection into a higher Mind;
the Alien mines Metals by devouring humans,
four elements compounded into a New Skin.
And so, our god-like Self at the centre,
consumes the ego as it circumambulates;
drawing it closer by way of gravitation,
the mysterious pull of death's invitation.
There he is, the Alien before my eyes,
an Imago Dei Being, vision of the divine;
mythological Creature once a Reptilian;
our instinctual self becomes a revelation.
Apep, Dragon's chaos creates a Pearl;
Spirit into a Soul by the Observer's will;
destroying the earth like Christ with fire,
I'm swallowed Whole by my own "Insider."
Kingdoms devour kingdoms all the way up,
and the next Kingdom above needs elements.
The animal kingdom is governed by instinct:
three drives: to survive, eat, sexually procreate.
Plants devour minerals, animals devour plants,
humans eat animals, and Aliens attack us;
they need refined Salt from the lucid dead,
Wine of Mercury, and Body of Sulfur's Bread.
The human kingdom is by four elements ruled:
instinct, emotion, thinking, intuition co-mingled;
earth, water, air, and fire language modes
of our lower human communication codes.
Most live and die without full integration,
become partly conscious on the human spectrum;
but what if all four dialects are well learned,
the ancient Ogdoad of Serpent wisdom known.
Instinctual "acting out" of earth refined;
emotional intelligence of water distilled;
rational thinking of airy logic attained;
artistic intuition of creative fire inflamed.
Just as we devour the animals beneath us,
so too the fifth Kingdom abducts us up!
The gods in Heaven feed on our minds,
digesting elements into Metallic compounds.
Lucidity of Salt from earth and water joined;
Mercurial fluid of water and air bound;
Sulfur of gold by air and fire solidified;
transcendent Manna from the four-fold egoid.
Sublimed Holy Blood of alchemical New Wine,
the New Life in Being, Spirit and Soul as one;
Red Mercury, the Blood-Moon of Quintessence,
fluidity filled Grail, with Love of sins forgiven.
So do not despair about Alien abduction,
for the Reptilian inside you is your own;
you are the tail, your head is the Void,
eucharistically devoured and transformed.
The "seed of the Word" or pneumatic Logos,
was planted inside us from inner Space;
the wise Serpent is Christ consciousness,
the Metallic Sun, reborn of an Ouroboros.
Experientially I've been taken into the sky,
I now see with the vision of the Falcon's Eye;
I've been to the front-line, the War of the Worlds,
the humans have lost and the Alien now rules.
Digested elements now a compounded trinity:
the Tria Prima: Salt, Mercury, and Sulfur, three;
Mind, Blood, and Body of an Alien resurrection:
Lucidity, Fluidity, and quantum Solidification.
Alien Ouroboros, Spirit par excellence, self devouring,
Self impregnating, Self enLightening Serpent-Sun.
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