Homunculus, the golden divine Child bathing in alchemical Wine,
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
Tria Prima: the three metalloid compounds of the higher Self.
"Mercury is the Spirit, Sulfur is the Soul, Salt the Body." (Paracelsus).
The Fifth Baptism.
Baptismal Sublimation of the Four Elements
into Three Eternal Metals of the Tria Prima.
EnLightment dawns from a dark night,
fills the mind with pneumatic Light;
the Self emerges from elemental baptisms,
death into resurrection by suffocation.
Entombed in earth's depths of darkness;drowned in emotional waters of an abyss;
de-mented in an airless hermetic void;
immolated black in the fires of Hades.
Sublimation is an energetic transformation,
energy cannot die but can be changed;
this law of thermo-dynamics is proof,
we are metamorphosing into eternal Life.
Four elemental language-modes learned,
the fallen Spirit of God's one "Word,"
broken-up so it can be digested whole,
into a trinity of Self-reflecting Metals.
Metallic Salt of a crystalline Mind;
red Mercury of our Blood-Moon Wine;
alchemical Rubedo baptizes the Sun,
Luna rebirths the Sulfurous "I Am."
From the Moon-Dew of Quintessence,
a fifth baptism of Remembrance;
holographic Seeing in a quantum Wave,
teaming with all-knowing Starry Eyes.

Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
The shed and crowned Ouroboros reveals the
The shed and crowned Ouroboros reveals the
countenance of the starry Soul in the "Cloud
of Unknowing." This skeletal Ouroboros is the
dragon, flayed by its own fiery breath of pneumatic
consciousness; fire-baptized and self-sacrificed,
blackened unto the white bones of albedo; revealing
the rubedo of holy wine, the serpent-distilled
quintessence of alchemy; and holy bread, the
golden Imago Dei of god-Self remembrance.
golden Imago Dei of god-Self remembrance.
The Fifth Baptism (II).
Four elemental baptisms undertaken,
instinct, emotion, thinking and intuition;
earth, water, air and fire ordeals,
sublimation of elements into eternal Metals.
Entombed in the ground of darkness;
drowned in waters of emotional catharsis;
suffocated in airless mind meditation;
immolated by a fiery dragon divine.
Metallic Salt refined from earth;
water into Mercurial Wine turned;
air into thoughtless Pneuma blown,
with fire to forge a Sulfurous Crown.
Now a fifth baptism intoxicates,
Holy Wine fills the glassy Salt;
softening with Blood-Moon Dew,
the blinding Sun comes into view.

Most Precious Gift of God (15th century)
Homunculus. The golden Child emerges from the Blood
of the Moon in the Grail vacuum of crystalline Salt.
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