Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
"When Sophia (wisdom) saw what her desire had produced,
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
Id, Latin "it", the instincts and energies in the unconscious
mind that underlie all psychological impulses. (Collins)
Spiritual Beast of the Bi-Cameral Mind.
And the Dawn of an Alien Apocalypse.
The ancient mindset was paradoxical,
spiritually rich and yet so brutal;
no ego-conscience to self-reflect,
their mode of being was schizophrenic.
Our ancient bi-cameral humankind
had an earthen id and higher mind;
the rest of the ego was undeveloped,
no intermediary between id and gods.
Their higher minds were operating,
but not yet become Self-reflecting;
just id and awareness of animism,
unfleshed gods did the dictating.
Pan, Green Man, vegetation gods,
Osiris dismembered in the Underworld;
Apis, the Bull of surging virility,
Zurvan, a zoomorphic Sun-god entity.
We took our orders from the gods,
the Voices that were in our heads;
Ten Commandments and temples built,
hallucinations from the archetypes.
The elemental ego slowly crystallized,
we no-longer took orders from on high;
watery emotions, airy thinking, intuition,
taming our primordial earthen instincts.
The ego is a necessary diversion,
a fall from grace into age of reason;
in order to be our own magicians,
spelling the spells of ideation.
"You are gods," said Jesus Christ,
and so we learn to Self-reflect;
in order to take charge of death,
become eternal in consciousness.
A developed ego can be baptized,
dissolved in water, set on fire;
Dragon id, "Beast of a thousand years,"
unleashed again, Kundalini raised!
Earth and water of id and libido,
compound to forge the Dragon's Pearl;
green Serpent spreads silvery wings,
immanence unto transcendence.
Mercurial Spirit flies to the Moon,
water and air changed into Wine;
Luna's crescent to the Sun drawn,
airy fire, apocalyptic golden Dawn!
Alchemical Tria Prima triangulated,
is the Self-reflection the id needed;
our pet Reptilian has to turn on us,
devouring, digesting egoic elements.
Metallic Salt, red Mercury, fixed Sulfur,
the higher Self who lasts forever;
trinitarian Alien in a Chariot divine,
holographic Observer, Wave and Point.
Id and a fleshed-out Self are left,
when the ego is baptized unto death;
animal Spirit and Sol like Soul,
a quantum Solid, the Stone eternal.
My bi-cameral Mind is modernized,
ego devoured by Saurian fire,
morphs into a shining Alien,
transcends on high into starry Heaven.
Post war destruction initiated
two new mythologies in the fifties:
-Godzilla, Creature with atomic breath;
-U.F.O.s, return of the gods to Earth.
Beast of the instincts was repressed,
so ego conscience could be developed;
a second coming will reconnect us,
re-emergence of the Serpent Christ.
Beast of the instincts was repressed,
so ego conscience could be developed;
a second coming will reconnect us,
re-emergence of the Serpent Christ.
Bursting from the fire in my belly,
Spirit erupts inside my psyche;
forging a metallic Alien ashine,
a Self-reflecting neo-bi-cameral Mind.

The eternal death-Mask of Pharaoh's image,
the ever-lasting Self with Serpent raised and golden Mane.
My Neo-Bi-Cameral Mind.
The Beast of Instinct Crowned.
My animal Spirit unleashed again,
turns out to be a flaming Dragon;
ego is fire baptized unto death,
devouring four elements to digest.
My primordial Beast so long denied,
is the "Seed of Word" underground;
earthen instincts take root as Pan,
horned Creature from Heaven fallen.
Now that the ego is self-reflective,
it can handle my natural Native;
the shadow in the hall of history,
my civilized persona tried to flee.
Time to turn and face the Wolf,
Hades' Dog down in the earth;
Cerberus, three heads from Hell,
naked Hercules must bring to heel.
Stripped of ego in the Netherworld,
return to the Prima Materia womb,
death rebirths the Tria Prima,
metallic Salt, Mercury and Sulfur.
I Am become a Giant healed,
my head in an archetypal Realm;
my feet rooted in the Underworld,
with Hell-fire rising, forging Metals.
Kundalini rises from "Seed of Word,"
digesting my ego until uncoiled;
flares-up and spreads silvery wings,
my Beast of instinct now ascends.
The id is no-longer earth-bound,
morphs into an Ideal compound;
heavy lead into Gold enlightened,
horns transmogrified into a Crown.

Hercules, the Solar Hero, brings Cerberus into the light of day.
"I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever
and ever! And I hold the keys to death and Hades." (Jesus, Rev 1:18)
A Uni-Cameral Image.
A contemporary hallucination from a fleshed-out god.
My neo-bi-cameral schizophrenia,
is a functional psychosis in my ear;
the Voice who's All in my head compels:
"Be this Presence that you now feel."
"I Am the ground of your Being;
the water of life turned to Wine;
pneumatic air, wind of the Word;
holy fire, the Light of the world."
"I Am the one to who you sacrifice;
the Blood and Bread of eternal Life;
Salt of earth and water baptized;
the trinity of a Self archetype."
"I Am found to be the one looking,
holographic Observer Self-reflecting;
the end and beginning of who you are;
atop the Tree your shining Star."
And so the id becomes the Ideal,
spiritual Beast through ego healed;
the split in consciousness bridged;
a uni-cameral developed Image.

the ever-lasting Self with Serpent raised and golden Mane.

"The wolf as prima materia, devouring the dead king.
In the background: sublimation of the prima materia
and rebirth of the king. Maier, Scrutinium chymicum (1687)"
(Jung, Psychology and Alchemy).
In the background: sublimation of the prima materia
and rebirth of the king. Maier, Scrutinium chymicum (1687)"
(Jung, Psychology and Alchemy).
My Neo-Bi-Cameral Mind.
The Beast of Instinct Crowned.
My animal Spirit unleashed again,
turns out to be a flaming Dragon;
ego is fire baptized unto death,
devouring four elements to digest.
My primordial Beast so long denied,
is the "Seed of Word" underground;
earthen instincts take root as Pan,
horned Creature from Heaven fallen.
Now that the ego is self-reflective,
it can handle my natural Native;
the shadow in the hall of history,
my civilized persona tried to flee.
Time to turn and face the Wolf,
Hades' Dog down in the earth;
Cerberus, three heads from Hell,
naked Hercules must bring to heel.
Stripped of ego in the Netherworld,
return to the Prima Materia womb,
death rebirths the Tria Prima,
metallic Salt, Mercury and Sulfur.
I Am become a Giant healed,
my head in an archetypal Realm;
my feet rooted in the Underworld,
with Hell-fire rising, forging Metals.
Kundalini rises from "Seed of Word,"
digesting my ego until uncoiled;
flares-up and spreads silvery wings,
my Beast of instinct now ascends.
The id is no-longer earth-bound,
morphs into an Ideal compound;
heavy lead into Gold enlightened,
horns transmogrified into a Crown.

Hercules, the Solar Hero, brings Cerberus into the light of day.
"I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever
and ever! And I hold the keys to death and Hades." (Jesus, Rev 1:18)
A Uni-Cameral Image.
A contemporary hallucination from a fleshed-out god.
My neo-bi-cameral schizophrenia,
is a functional psychosis in my ear;
the Voice who's All in my head compels:
"Be this Presence that you now feel."
"I Am the ground of your Being;
the water of life turned to Wine;
pneumatic air, wind of the Word;
holy fire, the Light of the world."
"I Am the one to who you sacrifice;
the Blood and Bread of eternal Life;
Salt of earth and water baptized;
the trinity of a Self archetype."
"I Am found to be the one looking,
holographic Observer Self-reflecting;
the end and beginning of who you are;
atop the Tree your shining Star."
And so the id becomes the Ideal,
spiritual Beast through ego healed;
the split in consciousness bridged;
a uni-cameral developed Image.
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