"The Father's Mind forth-bubbled, conceiving,
with His Will in all its Prime, Ideas that take upon
themselves all forms... Thoughts from the Paternal
Source that pluck unto their full the Flower of Fire at
height of sleepless Time." Chaldean Oracles, 2nd century.
"The wind (spirit) blows wherever it pleases." Christ.
"No one can think of God. Therefore it is my
wish to leave everything that I can think ofand choose for my love the thing that I cannot
think." (Cloud of Unknowing, 14th century).
The Golden Balloon
(the transformation of lead energy
into alchemical gold)
(the transformation of lead energy
into alchemical gold)
The Spirit is in a fallen state,
doesn't look like something great;
energy stuck in this world below,
looks like our desirous libido.
The Spirit is in a fallen state,
doesn't look like something great;
energy stuck in this world below,
looks like our desirous libido.
Lead balloons gravitating down,
too heavy for a Soul profound;
judgement, past memories, opinion,
fill the head with notional notions.
Id energy inflates our ideas,
thought-bubbles betwixt the ears;
they self-define our identity,
the ego or conscious entity.
Ideas can last for a lifetime,
creative power in the mind;
but they need to become symbolic,
if for eternity we are to exist.
Energy of libido refined,
into this life of humankind;
rhyme and reason of ideation,
evolve us into a higher station.
So one more blow is required,
to seal the Soul for evermore;
the energy that inflated thoughts,
to be reused and further wrought.
The Black Sun comes into play,
mortido drains the light of day;
deflates thought bubbles flat,
de-ments, denudes, life extracts.
Depression's ebb, death's wish,
night of the Soul's darkness;
it all boils back into energy,
to be reshaped as a new Boundary.
Reinflated with Pharaoh's breath,
through the ANKH of elements;
Self uplifted by pneumatic Wind,
into transcendence reborn again.
Halo of salvation crowned,
thoughtless Bubble fire-forged;
"New Skin" that never gets old,
a second baptism of the Soul.
An undivided Individual true,
the Homunculus of me and you;
only a Child can enter heaven,
innocence regained, gold Balloon.

Ideas can last for a lifetime,
creative power in the mind;
but they need to become symbolic,
if for eternity we are to exist.
Energy of libido refined,
into this life of humankind;
rhyme and reason of ideation,
evolve us into a higher station.
So one more blow is required,
to seal the Soul for evermore;
the energy that inflated thoughts,
to be reused and further wrought.
The Black Sun comes into play,
mortido drains the light of day;
deflates thought bubbles flat,
de-ments, denudes, life extracts.
Depression's ebb, death's wish,
night of the Soul's darkness;
it all boils back into energy,
to be reshaped as a new Boundary.
Reinflated with Pharaoh's breath,
through the ANKH of elements;
Self uplifted by pneumatic Wind,
into transcendence reborn again.
Halo of salvation crowned,
thoughtless Bubble fire-forged;
"New Skin" that never gets old,
a second baptism of the Soul.
An undivided Individual true,
the Homunculus of me and you;
only a Child can enter heaven,
innocence regained, gold Balloon.
"You are from below; I am from above.
You are of this world; I am not of this world."
Christ (John 8:23)
The "Word" Bubble.
You are of this world; I am not of this world."
Christ (John 8:23)
The "Word" Bubble.
Mortido turns out to be the black Wind of divine Energy which inflates the golden Balloon or thoughtless Bubble of the eternal Soul. (See the "apophatic theology" of Pseudo-Dionysius.) Instinctual id energy flows as libido. The ego is an agglomeration of ideas, defining who I think I am. And so words fill the thought-bubbles of my mind, trying to figure-out an identity and the meaning of life. Spirit's breath or pneuma thus blows the wind of the "Word" through my head space. But in the final analysis thoughts are too heavy for transcendence. The energy of pneuma must inflate a single thoughtless "Word" Bubble instead, to seal my Spirit and lift my Soul above this human war of words. This Halo of light does not think, but Self-reflects in the pneumatic glow of Solarized consciousness. This is the second baptism in the fire of the Holy Spirit. "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:3-4). The fiery Dove fills the "New Skin" of eternal Life, but whereas John's first baptism of water is libido, Christ's second baptism of fire is mortido, and destroys or denudes thinking, replacing it with Self-reflective Gnosis. Mortido is the black Wind of the via negativa; black to the ego, but actually the hidden Light of the mystics; the divine Energy of the transformed id, which can now transcend the world as the Soul ideal, the memBrane of a higher Self.
(for more on this, see my poem: //jamesshiva.blogspot.com.au/2016/02/e-quantum-solid.html)
(for more on this, see my poem: //jamesshiva.blogspot.com.au/2016/02/e-quantum-solid.html)
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