Mythological Dreams of Gods
I'm asleep in elemental dreams,
must compound four into three;
earth, water, air, fire, spirits,
into a Star, Soul of Light.
How to awaken from this sleep,
to realize it's all a dream;
understand the myths I'm in,
dispel the spells of imagination?
For at the end of seeming time,
the All collapses into One;
the Image of Imago Dei,
Light behind elemental play.
Myths are the dreams of gods,
fallen to earth as human egos;
"seeds of the Word," said Christ,
earth to fire flowering bright.
Take the myth of love's example:
you are not two, hand in hand,
to suffer when the "other" dies;
for All is One eternal Life.
Or the dream of a role played,
deflating when we have retired;
identity is not a job performed,
but awakens with a god reborn.
Therefore "you are gods," Jesus,
fallen, knocked into unconsciousness;
dreaming you are a human being,
when in truth you are an Alien.
Crashed to earth we cannot fly;
how to return into heaven's sky?
To be taken up by abduction,
saved by golden hands of Aten.
Apotheosis is the way on high,
by means of Light to realize;
the Dawn breaks, sleep awakens,
we are gods, dreaming problems.
Aten, the Serpent-Sun with Ankh and hand rays.

Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
How to Wake Up?
When we awaken in the flesh,
every morn the Spirit is unleashed;
begins anew a quick life-cycle,
the Ouroboros devours its tail.
Starting with pre-mentia again,
Spirit stretches out the brain;
the body is heavy, must update,
until earthy instincts re-animate.
Then the Spirit flows once more,
water rises from the reservoir;
airy bubbles of pneuma inflate,
the brain begins to ideate.
Finally the fire of imagination
stirs the dreams of individuation;
Spirit into the Light of Soul,
Serpent into a Sun retold.
But for a Star to be reborn,
Spirit sheds its elemental form;
dementia de-ments at the end,
the dematerialization of the mind.
The black Dragon self devours,
unto the white bones of ashes;
from which the Phoenix rises Home,
the red glow of a golden Stone.
Death is fire, Spirit spent,
mythological dreams figured out,
my god, in heavenly slumber,
awakens from a human nightmare.
Understanding dreams dispels them!
Apotheosis requires interpretation;
"Be ye as wise as Serpents," Jesus,
digest the "tale" of consciousness.
My interpretation of an alchemical Ouroboros
devouring its own tail in the process of dawning.
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