Glyph of the Quantum Word, Decoded.
The meaning of the quantum Word,
the Voice of Silence everywhere heard,
reveals itSelf as the Lotus Mind,
from muddy waters it flowers divine.
Glyph of the Word must be deciphered,
etched into nature's life unconscious;
spiral, wave, and particle behaving,
the Cosmic Serpent co-creating.
The giant wavicle of the galaxy;
spiral creatures on land and sea;
vegetation unfurling from the seed;
God's repeating pattern everywhere seen.
Even in the minds of humans,
pointing and waving since ancient times,
the Yin Yang fractal restless sleeps,
awaiting activation from the deep.
Thus the "seed of the Word" is planted,
in unconsciousness to be decoded;
inSpiration grows the "true vine" home,
back to the Fruit where it was sown.
Golden Apple of the Hesperides;
winged Orb and Crown of royalty;
philosopher's Stone, now conscious shining;
quantum Point of life reSounding.
How could I forget It for so long,
this primal Sound of Silence sung;
Word, Om, "Great Announcement," Grace,
without which my words would have no Page.
One-Song of the Uni-Verse in harmony,
the cosmic Dance of the churning Sea;
invisible writing of the quantum Wave,
poetry set in motion from Heaven's heave.
One-Song of the Uni-Verse in harmony,
the cosmic Dance of the churning Sea;
invisible writing of the quantum Wave,
poetry set in motion from Heaven's heave.

"The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot-long, three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. The serpent head has an open mouth extending around the east end of a 120-foot-long hollow oval feature. Scholars posit that the oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun." (Wikipedia).
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