"The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot-long, three-foot-high
prehistoric effigy mound located in Ohio. Scholars posit that the
120-foot-long hollow oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun."
120-foot-long hollow oval feature symbolizes an egg or the sun."
The Psychological Singularity.
Earth-seed of id flows as watery~libido,
divine spark of energy moves as H2O;
ideas inflate with airy excitation,
fire forges identity by mind imagination.
Thus the lower, fourfold ego is conceived,
by elemental language-modes upheaved;
animal spirit of id uncoils Kundalini,
rising to an Ideal goal of Singularity.
The oscillating Wave needs an Observer,
to collapse her chaotic potential further;
into a Point of psychological enLightenment,
Atom, Adam; Atum, the Self-generated One!
Vedic Agni is the fiery Envoy to the Sun,
forging the elements into a shining Stone;
four into three Metals of the Tria Prima:
metallic Salt, red Mercury, fixed Sulfur.
Now the original One can see the One it is:
blinding Light reflected in consciousness;
water into Wine of blind enLovenment;
both contained in the Seer's New Skin.
Kundalini rises on a curve exponentially,
until her fire implodes the Singularity!
My ego collapses into death's mortido,
into the abyssal Void of the Mind~Womb.
Dark Matter, Prima Materia of the Matrix;
Rock-at-Bottom of a Black Hole vortex;
containing all archetypal patternations;
Apeiron's reservoir of the primordial Ocean.
Soul, Seola,"from the Sea" resurrected,
Observer on a Blood~Moon Wave uplifted;
a blinding Light and blind Love Wavicle:
Solidity, Fluidity, in the Lucidity of a Grail.

Apep, the Serpent of chaos in the waters of Nu, and Atum.
Egyptian Atum (Atom), the Self-generated Observer who collapses
the Wave function (Apep) into a Point of enLightenment, Ra. The Wave
(Apep / Uraeus), in return, splits the Atum into the trinity of the Soul:
Ka, Ba, and Akh, the eternal Eye of Horus; and Tria Prima in Alchemy.
The Technological Singularity Curve.
All my energy drains to Rock Bottom,
I feel "stuck" in a catatonic situation;
death's mortido reaches its lowest ebb,
my breaking Point is about to implode!
The Shaman inside me puts on his skin,
animal spirit of my instinctual Reptilian;
the underworld Creature of my Kundalini,
living in the fire of baptismal Hades.
Four elements consumed, three Metals forged,
my Serpent guides me through the Netherworld;
her "death instinct" knows the process,
she undergoes a zoomorphic apotheosis.
For her own tail the hungry Beast yearns,
consumed in her own fiery breath burns;
my encoded instinct of the id self sacrifices,
Ouroboros, with me inside, self devours.
Dragon sheds her protective old skin,
rebirths the Pearl of a new memBrane;
such a Mind-boundary has Free Will,
no-longer needs a pattern for survival.
Parental conditioning is first unravelled,
water baptism cleanses emotional blackmail;
then animal imprinting can be uncoiled,
sacrificed to the Sun, in fire baptized.
Water turns to Wine, Spirit of Blood~Moon,
fills the Grail of the Pearl reborn;
fire turns to Light of the radiant Sol,
the Shaman transmogrifies, human to Soul.
Free Will freed from instinctual programming,
I'm no-longer driven by survival patterns;
my "freeze" response of catatonic stuckness,
melts, water into Wine of Quintessence.
We cannot not survive in the higher Mind,
Silver captures the Image of shining Gold;
the Observer observes the blinding Light,
and contains blind~Love of eternal Life.
Mortido implodes me into inner SpAce,
Reptilian rebirths a metallic Homunculus;
an Alien shines forth on a higher Wave,
the Wavicle of a U.F.O. transcends above.

Celestial Ouroboros (1702).
The Shaman emerges from his journey through
the Underworld, reborn from a Serpent wise.
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