Image of the Brazen Serpent (Illustrated Bible Dictionary) 1897.
My interpretation: Uraeus, the Brazen Serpent, Spirit of life
in immanence, rises above the horizon as the transcendent
Soul of Ra, the Sun/Star of eternal Life. The Serpent sacrifices
the "old skin" of human ignorance, and loops into the RU of
the reconciled elements. The self-devouring Ouroboros
consumes itself in the flames of holy fire, rebirthing through
the wormhole (Ru) as the metallic Light everlasting.
Death and Resurrection.
Ankh, the Key to Eternal Life.
First, to die, then I can be reborn;
I invoke the god of Death, my lord;
Thanatos, Yama, Reaper, Leviathan,
catabolic force of mortido, dissolution.
Pan of life, growth and learning,
forsake me now, be done with greening;
Hu-man, of the soil, return to dust,
the Prima Materia of our salty Ash.
Four elements revert into Apeiron,
instincts deprogram, emotions calm,
thinking de-ments, intuition dries-up;
down into the ground my Cross planted.
Adam's Tree, the "Seed of the Word,"
Christ, wise Serpent, True Vine climbs;
into Light of the Sun of Solification,
the Fruit and Wine of resurrection.
The "grapes of wrath" outside the walls,
crushed into Holy Blood of the All;
soaks back into salt of the earth,
the Prima Materia, Womb of rebirth.
Behold, the Tria Prima of the eternal,
a Triune Soul reborn of our metals;
compounded of elements into salvation,
Pearl, Silver, Gold of glorification.
Refined Salt of lucidity awakened;
Mercury, fluidity and Self-reflection;
Sulfur, Stone of quantum solidity;
three metalloids of a higher Identity.
Ankh, is the Key to immortal Life,
the Sky Anchor for the Solar Barque;
the Ru inflated by Pharaoh's breath,
Ka, Ba, and Akh of Soul consciousness.
So, die on the Cross of the elements,
grown, balanced and to God sacrificed;
square the circle of chaotic motion,
triangulate the Eye of Solarization.
Loop of the Serpent, Uraeus risen,
on the Staff, animal-Spirit brazen;
id into Ideal by metamorphosis,
Pan of the woods into Sol Invictus.

The God-Self Icon or Imago Dei. Heh, the god of eternity and
formless awareness (Logos), sits upon Nub, the symbol for gold.
"By descending
into the unconscious, the conscious mind puts itself in a perilous position,
for it is apparently extinguishing itself. It is in the situation of the primitive
hero who is devoured by the dragon. The psychological danger that arises here is the disintegration of
personality. Disintegration—which
may be functional or occasionally a real schizophrenia—is the fate which
overtakes Gabricus, he is dissolved into atoms in
the body of Beya, this being equivalent to a form of mortificatio." (Jung, Psychology and Alchemy.)
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