A Quantum Wavicle, Solid or "WaterStone of the Wise" (1620).
Egyptian Atum (atom), the Self-generated Observer who collapses
the Wave function (Apep) into a Point of enLightenment, Ra.
"For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them,
and the Rock was Christ." (1 Cor 10:4).

The Quantum Field of the Lord.
(Focal-Flux of Unified Consciousness)
Four elemental cornerstones laid,
upon the circle of chaos squared;
triangulated and focally converged,
into One-thing at the apex merged.
Earthy instincts get acted out;
watery emotions and feelings felt;
airy thinking of logic reasons;
fire of creative intuition dreams.
Four languages into a trinity:
refined Salt of crystal lucidity;
fluid reflectivity of Mercury flows;
fixed Sulfur burns the light aglow.
Reconciling four and uniting three,
Reconciling four and uniting three,
Tria Prima into two divine qualities:
rubedo of quintessence, Wine,
Sulfur into eternal Gold ashine.
Heart and Mind as One in flux,
the Yin-Yang Wavicle paradox:
quantum Wave in all directions,
singular Point in two locations.
Thus the Holy Grail is known
as both a Cup and magic Stone;
Moon nectar of eucharistic blood,
Luna and Sun-Disk forever wed.
Enter through the "narrow gate,"
the double-slit entrance to be saved;
collapse the subject and object dual,
into a holographic Observer real.
Truth is always a paradoxical mind,
Wavicle "WaterStone of the Wise;"
a focally converged flowing Solid,
in the quantum Field of the Lord.
Truth is always a paradoxical mind,
Wavicle "WaterStone of the Wise;"
a focally converged flowing Solid,
in the quantum Field of the Lord.

Quantum Countenance of the Lord.
My true Self also needs Bread and Wine,
the transubstantiated metalloids divine;
which feed my Soul and open the Eye,
eternal Seer of the Imago Dei on high.
Four elemental languages of the Word,
are sublimated sublime into new metalloids;
earthen instincts and watery emotions
into refined Salt, crystal lucidity awakens.
Water and airy thinking both combined,
fluidity, Mercury's Self-reflective Mind;
air and fiery intuition immolates my ego,
red Sulfur, solidifying a golden glow.
Three Soul qualities create the Stone,
the Nub of Gold at the centre honed;
an Ideal Self subsumes all into One,
id and ego burned into Light of the Sun.
"The Abyss gazes also" now into me!...
a grand Observer collapses my destiny;
I hold my own in the face of the Face;
omniscient Eye of a quantum Countenance.
"And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." (Nietzsche)
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