Fleshing-out the Bones of the Archetypal Self Image.
Kingdoms devour kingdoms all the way up!
We eat animals and the gods consume us.
But do not despair about this human Feast;
it is your transubstantiational Eucharist.
The elemental ego must be digested,
into a trinity of delicious Metalloids;
refined Salt, mercurial Wine, golden Bread,
the Manna of Heaven for your inner god.
And so the four elements are compounded:
earth and water become Salt crystallized;
water and air coagulated into New Wine;
air and fire into fixed Sulfur made divine.
An Archetype is a Pattern, Bones of an Image,
that we must flesh-out, our Self to finish;
by formulating the Manna of salvation,
higher Mind, Spirit, and Soul integration.
Refined Salt is the New Skin memBrane,
crystalline Lucidity finally awakened;
Spirit of Mercury, Moon-Blood Fluidity;
Soul of Sulfur, Light-Body of Solidity.
Four lower elements of immanence squared,
three transcendent Metals begin to emerge;
Salt, Wine of Mercury, Sulfur of Bread;
higher ingredients for a heavenly World.
By "secret fire" my elements are cooked,
a "burnt meal" for my own god prepared;
the ego sacrificed to the Sun in the sky;
my very own Star, Imago Dei on high.

A photo-shopped yet intriguing image. Jung started out wanting to
be an archaeologist, but ended up excavating the depths of the mind.
"The Word became flesh among us." (John 1:4)
Bones of a God.
An Archetype or god is only a Skeleton,
the Pattern of the Self's primordial Bones;
that we must flesh-out in order to shine,
and live forever in a New-Skin memBrane.
Earth and water compound crystalline Salt,
Lucidity, higher Manas, a Bubble without thought;
instinct and emotion together sublimated sublime;
a psychic Grail to fill with New Wine.
Water and airy thinking combine as Mercury,
fluidity, Buddhi, the wisdom of our journey;
Leaven to baptize the Imago Dei image;
Spirit as Blood when the Moon is eclipsed.
Air and fire compound Sulfur bright,
solidity, Atma, a Soul made of Light;
creative intuition of symbolic imagination,
bakes golden Bread, Flesh of our salvation.
And so the elemental ego is devoured up,
as a eucharistic Feast for our god above;
the higher Self Archetype of our Executive,
digesting the ego as a Moon and Sun sacrifice.
The heavenly marriage of Luna and Sol joined,
Self-define the Monad with a golden crown;
the Skeleton is dressed-up with Metals ashine,
one eternal Image conjured-up in Mind.
The Tria Prima develops as a trinity,
so Self can see itSelf in holographic Lucidity;
leavening Spirit inflates a radiant Soul,
the gilded Child of the dragon's Pearl.

John Dee's symbol for the Monad.

Homunculus, the golden divine Child bathing in alchemical Wine,
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
Vivification of the Homunculus.
Refined Salt.
Watch your thoughts so they don't arise,
co-create the Vessel with pneumatic fire;
crystallize clear Salt and seal the hole,
an hermetic vacuum will suffocate the ego!
The elemental ego must be digested,
into a trinity of delicious Metalloids;
refined Salt, mercurial Wine, golden Bread,
the Manna of Heaven for your inner god.
And so the four elements are compounded:
earth and water become Salt crystallized;
water and air coagulated into New Wine;
air and fire into fixed Sulfur made divine.
An Archetype is a Pattern, Bones of an Image,
that we must flesh-out, our Self to finish;
by formulating the Manna of salvation,
higher Mind, Spirit, and Soul integration.
Refined Salt is the New Skin memBrane,
crystalline Lucidity finally awakened;
Spirit of Mercury, Moon-Blood Fluidity;
Soul of Sulfur, Light-Body of Solidity.
Four lower elements of immanence squared,
three transcendent Metals begin to emerge;
Salt, Wine of Mercury, Sulfur of Bread;
higher ingredients for a heavenly World.
By "secret fire" my elements are cooked,
a "burnt meal" for my own god prepared;
the ego sacrificed to the Sun in the sky;
my very own Star, Imago Dei on high.
"The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood before the coming of
and the moon to blood before the coming of
the great and glorious day of the Lord." Acts 2:20
Tria Prima: the three metalloid compounds of the higher Self.
"Mercury is the Spirit, Sulfur is the Soul, Salt the Body." (Paracelsus).
A photo-shopped yet intriguing image. Jung started out wanting to
be an archaeologist, but ended up excavating the depths of the mind.
"The Word became flesh among us." (John 1:4)
Bones of a God.
An Archetype or god is only a Skeleton,
the Pattern of the Self's primordial Bones;
that we must flesh-out in order to shine,
and live forever in a New-Skin memBrane.
Earth and water compound crystalline Salt,
Lucidity, higher Manas, a Bubble without thought;
instinct and emotion together sublimated sublime;
a psychic Grail to fill with New Wine.
Water and airy thinking combine as Mercury,
fluidity, Buddhi, the wisdom of our journey;
Leaven to baptize the Imago Dei image;
Spirit as Blood when the Moon is eclipsed.
Air and fire compound Sulfur bright,
solidity, Atma, a Soul made of Light;
creative intuition of symbolic imagination,
bakes golden Bread, Flesh of our salvation.
And so the elemental ego is devoured up,
as a eucharistic Feast for our god above;
the higher Self Archetype of our Executive,
digesting the ego as a Moon and Sun sacrifice.
The heavenly marriage of Luna and Sol joined,
Self-define the Monad with a golden crown;
the Skeleton is dressed-up with Metals ashine,
one eternal Image conjured-up in Mind.
The Tria Prima develops as a trinity,
so Self can see itSelf in holographic Lucidity;
leavening Spirit inflates a radiant Soul,
the gilded Child of the dragon's Pearl.
John Dee's symbol for the Monad.

Homunculus, the golden divine Child bathing in alchemical Wine,
Quintessence, in the vacuum of the sealed and higher Mind.
The Ravens of Nigredo tend to the secret fire.
Vivification of the Homunculus.
Refined Salt.
Watch your thoughts so they don't arise,
co-create the Vessel with pneumatic fire;
crystallize clear Salt and seal the hole,
an hermetic vacuum will suffocate the ego!
How to bring to life the eternal Sprite?
Distil out Wine of mercurial Spirit!
Blood Moon baptizes the god-Self Icon,
the Leaven for eternal Solarization.
How to bring to life the eternal Sprite?
Distil out Wine of mercurial Spirit!
Blood Moon baptizes the god-Self Icon,
the Leaven for eternal Solarization.
Airy intuition compounds Sulfur's gold,
green Pan blackens into shining Sol;
the dragon's breath fire-forges a Pearl,
from metallic ashes rebirths a Sun-Child.
And so thought-wave oscillations collapse!..
into the higher Wave of Quintessence;
the Observer's Grail fills with Mercury,
the fluidity for the Stone of Philosophy.
The drunken lucidity of libidinal Wine,
from water distilled, sublimated sublime,
intoxicates the Soul with dragon's Blood,
the Potion that wakens our inner god.
Airy intuition compounds Sulfur's gold,
green Pan blackens into shining Sol;
the dragon's breath fire-forges a Pearl,
from metallic ashes rebirths a Sun-Child.
And so thought-wave oscillations collapse!..
into the higher Wave of Quintessence;
the Observer's Grail fills with Mercury,
the fluidity for the Stone of Philosophy.
The drunken lucidity of libidinal Wine,
from water distilled, sublimated sublime,
intoxicates the Soul with dragon's Blood,
the Potion that wakens our inner god.
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