Splendor Solis (16th century)
from Adam McLean's Alchemy website.
"Sublimation is part of the royal art where the true gold is made.
Sublimation is a great mystery." (Jung)
Alchemical Transformation.
from Adam McLean's Alchemy website.
"Sublimation is part of the royal art where the true gold is made.
Sublimation is a great mystery." (Jung)
Alchemical Transformation.
A libidinal myth story-line:
the marriage of opposites divine;
queen of immanence unveils,
joins with her transcendent male.
Lust into Love's full fusion,
satisfies the quest for Union;
passion's flame burns into bliss,
the Solarization of consciousness.
A libidinal myth story-line:
the marriage of opposites divine;
queen of immanence unveils,
joins with her transcendent male.
Lust into Love's full fusion,
satisfies the quest for Union;
passion's flame burns into bliss,
the Solarization of consciousness.
Water into fire into Light,
is life's basic sacramental rite;
four baptisms to undergo,
before the Light begins to glow.
Green unconsciousness planted,
in the swamp of day and night;
muddy water of subconscious earth,
incubates the "Seed of Word".
In this watery prism state,
the light refracts and separates;
each colour to be defined;
the iridescence of the mind.
Green frog is kissed a Prince
by the spirit of immanence;
jumps with airy excitation,
into the void of suffocation.
Green frog is kissed a Prince
by the spirit of immanence;
jumps with airy excitation,
into the void of suffocation.
Then the colours must be fused,
joined back into One anew;
another baptism is required,
consciousness must be forge-fired.
Libidinal life can be raised,
from dampness into a fiery blaze;
but who can bear this immolation,
Fire is the prelude to Light,
from murky waters the Lotus shines;
Salamander is crowned a King,
emerges from unconscious dreams.
A mysterious and sacramental process
sublimates sublime the animal spirit;
hungry heat in the belly's furnace,
births forth the Corona of Awareness.
A mysterious and sacramental process
sublimates sublime the animal spirit;
hungry heat in the belly's furnace,
births forth the Corona of Awareness.

Sublimation, from The Crowning of Nature, 1718.
My interpretation: the Sun of Light emerges from
the fire of ouroboric transformation, the serpent-fire
of kundalini, sublimed into the Solarization of consciousness
(alchemical Solification) in the vacuum of the sealed mind.

Happy to Burn.
My Self portrait: meditation and self immolation in
the baptismal and holy fire of Kundalini rising,
leading to the Solarization of consciousness.

Sublimation, from The Crowning of Nature, 1718.
My interpretation: the Sun of Light emerges from
the fire of ouroboric transformation, the serpent-fire
of kundalini, sublimed into the Solarization of consciousness
(alchemical Solification) in the vacuum of the sealed mind.

Happy to Burn.
My Self portrait: meditation and self immolation in
the baptismal and holy fire of Kundalini rising,
leading to the Solarization of consciousness.
(part 2)
Kundalini Forges the Pearl of the Sun.
Earth, intelligence of animal instinct;
water, emotional intelligence felt;
airy intellect of rational ideas;
fiery intuition, god intelligence.
The dragon has reached my egoic mind,
by climbing the ladder of the spine;
for ten months of libidinal celibacy,
a serpent upon the good and evil Tree.
Branches strung with pearls of wisdom,
kept me going to the end of time;
stolen fire returns home to heaven,
Prometheus, Fore-thought, is unchained.
The creature of a thousand years,
earthen instincts buried out of fear,
repressed by my civilized ego,
is now released from its prison below.
Kundalini roars its flaming breath,
upon watery emotions and airy thoughts;
my ego is voided by atomization,
elements compounded by immolation.
Leaden earth is forged into Gold;
airy ideas baked into risen Bread;
watery lust distils Wine of Spirit,
fills the Grail, baptizes Light.
Ego is blackened unto white bones,
the primordial pattern of who I Am;
fleshed out with Manna of salvation;
devourment by Christ the serpent.
Stolen fire burns to be born again,
by way of death and resurrection;
my mind is gutted by fiery pneuma,
metamorphosing into the Tria Prima.
Self sacrifice to the higher Mind;
drowning in water turning to Wine;
airy suffocation of my lower ego;
baptism by fire forging Imago.
Apotheosis into an Image of God,
fiery Forethought, Pronoia of Light;
uplifted on flaming wings of a seraph,
Prometheus freed from rock of earth.
"I, John, asked, 'Lord, did not the serpent teach them to eat?'
The saviour smiled and said, 'It was I who caused them to eat.'"
The Apocryphon of John, Nag Hammadi Library.
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