Most Precious Gift of God (15th century)
Homunculus. The golden Groom emerges from the Blood
of the Moon in the Grail vacuum of crystalline Salt.
This Abyss of Nowness.
Lucidity of the Grail Stone,
crystalline clarity in the mind;
Pearl of the Dragon forged,
hermetic vacuum in the Void.
Suffocation of the lower ego,
death, resurrection of the Imago;
the higher Mind of emptiness
fills with Blood of a sacrifice.
Refined Salt of the white Moon,
turns red, water into Wine;
Spirit of Mercury coagulates,
silver into a blushing state.
For here is her wedding Day,
Fluidity of Wine to celebrate;
New Blood of an Homunculus,
Grail vacuum rebirthing Life.
The Sun of the golden Groom,
rises from his Salt cocoon;
Solidity in this Abyss of Nowness,
behold the Bread of consciousness.
Gold comes from the Seed of Salt,
re-vivified by libidinal Blood;
heavenly marriage of Sol and Luna,
sealed inside the Bridal Chamber.
Gold comes from the Seed of Salt,
re-vivified by libidinal Blood;
heavenly marriage of Sol and Luna,
sealed inside the Bridal Chamber.
Paradiso, Gustave Dore.
"And if you gaze for long into an abyss,
the abyss gazes also into you". (Nietzsche)
This Abyss of Nowness (II).
Fire gathers in the Light,
contained within the Grail of Salt;
distils Wine, mothering Bread,
Pearl inside PenDragon's Head.
I feel drunk on enLovenment,
in emptiness of my New Skin;
Boundary memBrane for Spiritus;
fixed Sulfur, Soul coalesced.
Immaculate Concept, just one Word,
Logos collapsed from the Void;
Father's Abyss of pneumatic Nowness,
into Salty Blood leavening Flesh!
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