“God became man so that man might become a god.”
Chnoubis, related to Abraxas.
"But now clouds of light called Abrasax, Sablo, and Gamaliel come down and transport the chosen above the realms and rulers, and they are saved and become like angels." (The Revelation of Adam, from the Gnostic Bible).
The Myth of Zoomorphic Apotheosis.
My Observer collapses time and space,
passes through the double-slit entrance;
into timelessness, holographically located,
like two lovers no longer separated.
Ego, emotional water and airy ideas,
represses the beast of earthen instincts;
stolen fire is the language of gods,
the creative element that saves our Souls.
A schizophrenic splitting instinctual,
forms a bicameral id and executive Ideal;
the ego-bridge bridges the divide,
with the gift from Prometheus utilized.
Humans by way of apotheosis transcend,
green wheat dies into golden Bread;
the Grail fills with enLovenment,
water into Wine completes the ascent.
Fire of intuition creates a New Skin,
forges metallic Salt, Mind crystallization;
evaporates water, distils out Wine,
emotional catharsis into Blood divine.
Red Sea of the Mother now parts,
a miraculous mythological entrance;
Soul, Seola, "born of the ocean,"
the unconscious rebirths her Idealization.
Now I AM risen on wings of fire,
life's stolen element returns on high;
the ego-bridge is crossed aflame,
my animal id sacrificed to the Sun.

Zoomorphic Apotheosis
Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
Zurvan, Persian Sun god. A human transforms by way
of apotheosis, metamorphosing into a god divine.
"When Sophia (wisdom) saw what her desire had produced,
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion."
The Secret Book of John, 85 A.D. Nag Hammadi Codex 4.
Mythic Message of the "Word."
"The seed is the Word of God." (Luke 8:11)
My individual "seed of the Word,"
sprouted by elemental fire,
grows my Spirit of eternal Life,
leaves a husk of the Word behind.
Id across ego-bridge to my Ideal,
by way of stolen fire to heal;
turns human water into Wine;
airy ideas into Light ashine!
Seed of the id succumbs to chaos,
as the Spirit undergoes apotheosis;
bicameral id to executive Ideal,
my ego immolates to forge a Pearl.
The dragon of kundalini fires-up!..
reduces me to a gutted husk;
apocalypse of the golden Dawn,
"whoever is near me, he will burn."
~Gospel of the Savior~
Alchemical Cauda Pavonis radiates!
Peacock's Tail, holy psychosis;
psychedelic explosion of the Light,
flaming Spirit with Soul unites.
Gnostic spark, "seed of the Word,"
reveals its mythology now heard;
uncoiling zoomorphic apotheosis,
God's Message sealed in fiery Bliss.
Revelation from the nameless I AM,
Flower of the trinity blooms;
quantum Observer, Point and Wave;
fire burns out its myth of Love.
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