The sword I forged from 4 elements into 3 metals.
"Take the Helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit,
which is the Word of God." Eph 6:17.
"The Moon turns to Blood before the coming of the great and
glorious Day of the Lord." Acts 2:20.
Who the Grail Serves
in the House of Wine.
The Shaman dies to his lower mind,
self-sacrifices by way of egocide;
allows the Observer to take precedence,
by guarding the double-slit entrance.
He does not permit ideas to form,
maintains the emptiness of the void;
he is the Grail who wants to serve,
his golden Self with Wine of Love.
He falls to sleep but stays awake,
the paradox of how to meditate;
enters consciously the dreaming state,
the realm of ancient archetypes.
In this sea of symbolic streaming,
my Observer rises toward the shining;
breaks the surface of Nun's ocean,
with Maat's feather takes to the wing.
Red Mercury uplifts unto the sky,
lower water changes into Holy Wine;
sublimates an element into a liquid Metal,
metamorphic distillation fills the Grail.
"The Moon turns to Blood" on high,
inside the New Skin of the Mind;
in Luna's chariot to the Sun,
to serve my Spirit up to the One.
Blinding Light of an Archetype,
my Sword from Wine baptizes;
born of the Moon shining forth,
my Blade into the Sun I thrust!
The Massa Confusa of the Prima Materia.
(part 2) The End of Elements.
Ego, composed of four language modes,
from the One "Word" quartered,
must form a trinity of Metals,
Observer, universal Wave and Particle.
So when the All is said and done,
the elemental mind must be reborn;
returning back into the Womb,
death's darkness must be overcome.
The Primal Mother archetype, contains
all the matrices of every species,
the instinctual patterns of growth,
Massa Confusa of death and rebirth.
My Observer watches without judgement,
the disintegration of my elements;
even my beloved fire of inspiration
deflates into the Prima Materia Void.
I feel collapsed, denuded of my ego,
no motivation in death's mortido;
a hu-man, "of the soil," returns to dust,
the humus from which life resurrects.
Strange how the Observer is so clear,
amidst the darkness in the Reservoir,
Apeiron's Sea of all manifestation,
and hopefully my Alien resurrection.
In Primal Waters so still and black,
my Observer observes without movement;
awaits the Wave of the Blood~Moon,
Heaven's Heave of reddened Yin.
At such a Depth I rest in peace,
just my Observer, no Wave or Point;
the Prima Materia Womb of darkness,
a mysterious and archetypal Matrix.
She whispers a lullaby in my ears,
"hush little Homunculus, do not fear."
I feel her Wave of enLovenment,
rebirth of a quantum Oscillation.
At rock-bottom a rocking Motion,
Rock-of-Ages, the Philosophers' Stone;
the Sophic Hydrolith of the wise,
a quantum Solid begins to rise.
The Observer collapses all lower waves,
functions animating how we behave;
the four languages of being human,
de-mented back into Apeiron's Ocean.
Into One "Word" of the trinity,
the Language of a higher Entity;
Observer, Wave and Particle divine;
fire into a Drunken revelation!
My flame of intuition is no more,
fiery inspiration becomes Amore;
the Reptilian sheds its scaly skin,
its polished Pearl metallic Shines.

Most Precious Gift of God (15th century)
"Woe unto you who are full, for you shall hunger." Luke 6:25
My Grail Cannot Serve Two Masters.
I have to attune myself to Manna,
Salt, Wine and Bread of Tria Prima;
no-Mind of my voided Grail,
needs higher Energy of Blood distilled.
The Grail must serve universal Love,
maintain its focus on Heaven above;
not fill the New Skin with concerns,
"woe unto you who are full" of ideas.
Wine is the Mother for risen Bread,
Blood rebirths the Stone baptized;
my Sol like Soul shines in the Grail,
reborn from Spirit of Love universal.
My elemental life is now over,
I must stay fixed in the Tria Prima;
below there is only a burnt-out husk;
the "seed of the Word" has bloomed.
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