Orthodox Russian Crescent Cross.
Tria Prima: the three metalloid compounds of the higher Self.
"Mercury is the Spirit, Sulfur is the Soul, Salt the Body." (Paracelsus).
The Magic Cross.
How to "cross" to the Sun,
through the "Cloud of Unknowing;"
raise the spirit by way of death,
to the Soul of everlasting Life?
I'm stuck in my libidinal husk,
the id of my earthen self;
my elemental ego-bridge is burned,
how to cross to a higher realm?
The shining Stone awaits above,
Sun and Moon now in love;
the Earth of me is crystallized,
Body of Salt, flat-lined Mind.
And so it's easier to transcend,
no elements to weigh me down;
I must now use my Salt to rise,
Lucidity is lighter than ideas.
Salamander takes to the wing,
through the Cloud of Unknowing;
libidinal water in a fallen seed,
now Mercury vapor to Luna freed.
Pneuma wafting, intoxicating,
Spirit of the Moon sublimating;
turns to Wine by way of rubedo,
silver to holy Blood distilled.
Capturing the Image of the Sun,
light coalesces as they join;
dancing in their heavenly marriage,
Fluidity vivifies a quantum Solid.
My magic Cross is now erect,
the Ankh of death and rebirth;
the Ru is inflated by the Wind,
Breath of God, the One true Word.
The magic bean is now a husk,
"seed of the Word" is lifted up;
Wind blows through a hollow man,
crucified on the Tree of Adam.
I'm stuck in my libidinal husk,
the id of my earthen self;
my elemental ego-bridge is burned,
how to cross to a higher realm?
The shining Stone awaits above,
Sun and Moon now in love;
the Earth of me is crystallized,
Body of Salt, flat-lined Mind.
And so it's easier to transcend,
no elements to weigh me down;
I must now use my Salt to rise,
Lucidity is lighter than ideas.
Salamander takes to the wing,
through the Cloud of Unknowing;
libidinal water in a fallen seed,
now Mercury vapor to Luna freed.
Pneuma wafting, intoxicating,
Spirit of the Moon sublimating;
turns to Wine by way of rubedo,
silver to holy Blood distilled.
Capturing the Image of the Sun,
light coalesces as they join;
dancing in their heavenly marriage,
Fluidity vivifies a quantum Solid.
My magic Cross is now erect,
the Ankh of death and rebirth;
the Ru is inflated by the Wind,
Breath of God, the One true Word.
The magic bean is now a husk,
"seed of the Word" is lifted up;
Wind blows through a hollow man,
crucified on the Tree of Adam.
"Ra, merged with Horus, blesses a Pharaoh with an ankh,
as if transferring him the divine power of the Sun/light."
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